Why is adolescence a critical time for preventing drug addiction?
Drugs change the brain—and this can lead to addiction and other serious problems. Therefore, preventing the early use of drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol may reduce risks of addiction later in life.
Risk of drug use increases greatly during times of change or stress. For an adult, a separation or loss of a job may increase the risk of drug use or excessive alcohol use.
For a teenager, risky times include moving residence, family problems, or changing schools. Often, during this period, children are exposed to substances such as cigarettes and alcohol for the first time.
Also, when our children leave high school and live independently, they may find themselves exposed to drug use.
A certain amount of risk-taking is normal. The desire to try new things and become more independent is healthy, but it may also increase youth’s curiosity to experiment with drugs. Good judgment and decision-making do not usually fully develop until people are in their twenties.
Young people are more vulnerable to peer pressure than adults. In my case, I have been told that my glasses, my neckties or my clothes are out of fashion. I am old enough that I don't care. I just say, "I'll wait five years until they're in fashion again!"
1.) Know your teen’s activities - Discover what type of activities your teen is interested in and help encourage them to get involved.
2.) Know who your teen’s friends are - If your teenager's friends use illegal substances, smoke, or drink, your child may feel pressure to experiment as well.
3.) Establish ground rules and enforce consequences - One of the best punishments is to take away their gadgets for a period of time.
4.) Talk to your teen about alcohol and drug facts about substance abuse.
5.) Keep all prescriptions and over-the-counter medications in a safe place. A child might think a bright-colored pill is candy.
A common problem is getting into sniffing glue fumes (usually rugby) to get "high". Parents need to watch their kids carefully.
The DOH Substance Abuse Helpline1550 “will provide support and intervention to persons who use drugs, their families, as well as the public.”
Richard Baker