Method to madness

Frontline healthcare workers face the very difficult task of working during the present pandemic. They are put in harm's way against an invisible opponent not knowing when it will strike. They need our support, gratitude, and prayers during these very trying times. What they do not need is to be told to just do a better job. Are they doing a lousy job to be told to do better?

This was what Sen. Cynthia Villar said during a radio interview when asked to comment on the request of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) to place Metro Manila under ECQ due to the sheer number of positive cases that erupted since being placed under GCQ. "Hindi na siguro. Pagbutihin nila trabaho nila" is the direct quote. The frontliners --doctors, nurses, technicians, maintenance, all of them are exhausted, others are unable to go home to their families due to a lack of manpower. Many of them are also getting sick because they are exposed to infectious patients. What they are asking is a "time out" of sorts for the number of cases to decrease, get some rest, and to assess the best way to fight the pandemic. They will not be able to do this if they are overwhelmed by the number of patients and with no place to put them. The ECQ of March to May was arguably effective. Just look at the number of cases then. Hospital operations have almost become normal with the reduction of COVID-19 positive patients. The current situation is different. I've heard a doctor describe it as a war zone. According to a professor from UP, there may be 150,000 cases by the end of August. That is frightening, to say the least.

The frontliners are also human. They experience exhaustion. Some hospitals can no longer fulfill shifting because of the amount of work that needs to be done. They need to be in the hospital, walking, standing, running, monitoring, awake for long hours. They can’t do their job by sitting, resting, sleeping. They cannot do their job through Zoom. I understand that the economy needs to get going where people need to work to survive. Many are opposed to the PMA's request, not surprisingly, almost all are businessmen. But when hospitals are swamped, when the virus has spread uncontrollably, when there is no longer anyone to take care of the sick, isn't the economy also affected? If the virus spreads, won't people be afraid, refusing to go out?

Senator Villar has since clarified that she was referring to all of us, the DOH in particular, in her comment of just doing a better job. But a close look at the interview would show she was reacting to the request of the PMA, not any other government agency. Judging from the comments of netizens, the reaction was fierce, with a few asinine comments about frontliners being whiners. DTI Sec. Lopez also chimed in saying we should learn to live with the virus. Easier said than done. The president has now instructed everyone to look into the medical group's request. To assess if there is some method available to this madness.

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