"Esquire Award"

Dear Editorial Board:

It was both my honor and duty as Emissary to the Philippines, Archconfraternity of Papal Knights, Dames and Esquires to meet with the Honorable Edgar Labella, Mayor of Cebu City and PBG Debold Sinas, Regional Director, Police Regional Office 7, to deliver three Esquire Awards for presentation to extraordinary public servants.

The "Esquire Award" was presented to Mayor Labella, PBG Sinas, and PSSgt Arcellas for their leadership, inspiration, and dedication to the continued protection of the most vulnerable in society.

PSSgt Arcellas was recognized for her devotion to duty in cases involving the criminal assault against women. She exhibited a high degree of empathy and an extraordinary capacity to inspire victims to find the courage to identify their attackers and guarantee that they will face the full extent of the law.  Justice served will keep them from doing harm to anyone else again.

PBG Sinas was commended for his leadership, direction and steadfastness to inspire his officers to remove these cowardly predators from the streets.  It is by his emphasis on training, and understanding victimology, as well as criminology, that he may produce high quality police officers, infused with solid integrity to protect the public.  Leadership is measured, not by how many followers you have, but by how many more leaders you make. By this standard, the future of PRO-7 will continue to be in good hands.

In the midst of a tornado wind busy schedule, Mayor Labella and his formidable staff were gracious in carving out the time to meet and acknowledge these outstanding public servants. He pledged his continued support to protecting the most vulnerable in society from the predatory criminal. His initiatives that include helping the youth is a wise investment for our future, and his affirmation to care for the elderly is debt payment to our past.

Many have debated and disagreed, what justice may, or may not be. However, we all are in agreement that injustice is never acceptable. It is in this ideal of chivalry that we fearlessly do battle against injustice whenever and wherever we find it.

My visit to Cebu was inspirational, informative, and enriched me with a deeper respect for the invaluable resources that Cebu has to offer, and that is in their good people.  I am humbled to serve as an emissary to the Philippines.

On behalf of the Archconfraternity of Papal Knights, Dames and Esquires, Baron Brigadier General John T. Digilio, Secretary Generale, we extend our congratulations and pledge our friendship to the people of Cebu and public servants of this high caliber.

Anthony Melé

Cavaliere Pontificio

Order of St. Gregory the Great

Priory of Pope St. John Paul

Emissary to the Philippines

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