Never allow the fallen SAF 44 to die in vain!

No matter how the camp of Vice President Jejomar Binay tries to pin the blame on the supporters of the Liberal Party for the booing incident at the Cebu City Sports Center grandstand, it will not change the reality that Binay was unwanted in the Sinulog stage. As I already said, the people supporting VP Binay in Cebu should have forewarned him of the consequences that could happen at the grandstand because this had already occurred in the past.

I also don’t believe that the people who booed VP Binay are supporters of the Liberal Party for the simple reason that under the LP they have not given Cebu the infrastructure development that is supposedly due to us. In my book, Cebuanos who support the LP are traitors to Cebu! I hope for his sake, VP Binay would just accept the fact that Cebuanos who do not belong to any political party but did not want politicians to ruin their Sinulog Festival booed him.


The big news stories coming out these days come from the mouth of former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile  who seems to be hell bent in putting the blame of the deaths of the 44 Special Action Force (SAF) squarely on the lap of Pres. Benigno Aquino III.

JPE said, “I would like to make it on record that I have evidence; One, that the President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino, III was actively and directly involved in the planning and preparations of Oplan Exodus; two, that on the day of the actual operations, he was monitoring the operations while he was on the plane going to Zamboanga City; and three, that while the operations were going on, and the Special Action Force were being slaughtered, he did not do anything at all to save them.”

In all honesty… this is something that the majority of us doubters strongly believe really happened. But allow me to add a few intelligence tips that I got a few months ago… that PNoy was overseeing this operations via a drone, which was later confirmed by my sources. What JPE is saying is not far from the truth of what really happened in Mamasapano. The fact along that after the Jan. 25th debacle, Pres. Aquino could not be found. He only reappeared three days later when the remains of the fallen SAF 44 arrived at the Villamor Air Base, where he was a no-show. We found out later that he was at the blessing of the new Mitsubishi plant in Laguna.

Now what is this new evidence that JPE has in his brief case? I certainly hope that this would pin the President down… so that he’d make a confession to the Filipino people about his role in the Mamasapano tragedy. The deaths of the 44 fallen SAF was bad enough but the cover up that ensued so as not to pin the blame on the President is, in my book, criminal as it is a case of obstruction to Justice.

The least we expect from Pres. Aquino is to tell the nation the whole truth about the Mamasapano incident. But since he chose not to tell the nation what everyone wants to know, then it is time for JPE to make things straight and present us with the evidence that he says he has with him.

Sure critics of JPE may tag him as merely making a political issue out of the Mamasapano incident, but on the other hand, JPE is not running in the 2016 elections so that certainly rules out any political slant. I also would like to believe that it is high time for JPE to come to terms with today’s reality. He wrote that book that no one bought because we cannot tell if he was writing the truth or not. However in this case… if the evidence he presents would indubitably pinpoint the role of the President during Oplan Exodus, then JPE becomes a hero of sorts.

I was reading last week’s Philippine Star, something that I always do after I return from a trip aboard and last Jan.7th, the headline in The Philippine Star blared, “Palace on Mamasapano reopening: What’s new?” Again, this is a clear effort by the Palace Rasputins to stop the Senate investigation on the Mamasapano incident. But just when these Rasputins thought PNoy got away with being blamed for the deaths of the 44 fallen SAF troopers, now JPE will be presenting new evidence next week.

We also learned that Senate President Franklin Drilon tried to say that no new evidence will be presented during that hearing. Come now, is the Senate hearing a court hearing where one can prevent new evidence from being presented, after all the evidences have been recorded? I think not!

If Sen. Drilon would insist on this stand, then we must count him as one of those personalities involved in the obstruction of justice. It’s nearly a year since the 44 SAF troopers were killed in that Oplan Exodus…where even the wounded were hacked to death by the MILF rebels. Someone has to pay for their crime so that the 44 fallen SAF would not have died in vain!


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