Rewards-based system

This is the kind of news I really do not want to read nor hear about this time of year. Another child, a nine-year-old girl, has been killed by yet another stray bullet fired by an idiot. The incident happened near Ipo Dam in Norzagaray, Bulacan. She was playing outside when the fatal bullet pierced her kidney and spleen. Her injuries were too severe for her to survive. Authorities have the bullet in their possession and are now determining if they can identify the owner of the gun.

But in the Philippines, that is a tall order. Three years after a stray bullet killed Stephanie Nicole Ella, authorities still have no clue as to the identity of the shooter. Obviously, the gun is not registered with the PNP, assuming the records are intact and that their ballistic examination skills are up to par. Loose firearms abound in this gun crazy country. There are "responsible gun owners" who intentionally keep unregistered firearms for other than legal purposes. These are the guns they let loose come New Year's. And yes, these guns do kill people.

What we need is a rewards-based system where those who point out persons who indiscriminately fire their guns during this season, or any other time for that matter, get hefty cash rewards. It serves to encourage witnesses, as well as discourage would be gun-firing idiots, especially if these happen to be law enforcement officers themselves. Already based on data from the PNP, there are cases where policemen have fired their weapons this Christmas. So much for taping their guns. I'm sure they used different guns to fire.

There are still a few days before New Year's Eve. I am almost certain guns will still be fired, and there will be victims. Aren't there gun ranges where these trigger-happy cretins can shoot to their heart's content? Is it some macho, narcissistic thing to fire a gun into the air while people watch? And why even fire into the air? Why not fire into something that will not hurt anyone, like the ground, some sacks of soil or sand, or even a drum of water? Better yet, why not point the damn thing to their heads? That's one sure way to guarantee they do not hurt anyone else.

New Year's Eve is a time of celebration and thanksgiving. By right we all deserve a safe New Year's Eve celebration. I hope those who still plan to discharge their weapons think twice before doing so. And for everyone else, let's keep our eyes and ears peeled for these idiots.

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