Bring it on

Two B-52 bombers flew over what China claims as its sovereign territory in the West Phi-lippine Sea, sparking an outrage and calling it a "serious military provocation" on the part of the US. But according to a US spokesman, there was no intention to fly inside the 12 nautical mile boundaries of any country, and that they were flying in international airspace. They said they will investigate the incident. This happened on the heels of China's vehement protests against the sale of an arms package to Taiwan by the United States, something that has not happened in past four years. The Chinese are calling on the US to scrap the sale.

This is so typical of China. No one has the right to strengthen their forces except them. No one has the right to claim anything on the West Philippine Sea except them. No one is allowed to neither sail nor fly into what they claim to be their sovereign territory, even in the absence of any legal precedent. In other words, nobody is allowed to do the bullying in the region except them.  

I don't think there is anything for the US to investigate regarding the B-52 flights. To do so would mean they recognize the sovereignty of China over enlarged islands that are still the subject of a dispute among many nations, of which one country, the Philippines, has brought to the United Nations. Many nations are closely watching the developments of this case, as a decision favoring the Philippines would embolden them to do the same. Unlike China which claims everything, the country is only claiming a few of the islands.

China is slowly feeling the pressure this whole issue is bringing on them. They have illegally reclaimed islands and constructed structures that are obviously for military purposes. I haven't heard one country totally supporting what they have done and are continuing to do. Even Australia is already conducting freedom of navigation flights over the area, something the Chinese are also protesting. The talk is getting tougher on the side of China, saying they will do all that is necessary to protect their sovereignty. I say bring it on.

All freedom of navigation flights and voyages by sea vessels must continue. The freedom to navigate the waters of the region must be ensured. No one has the right to give or deny permission to do so, especially for territory that is still the subject of disputes. These are still international waters and airspace. If an escalation does take place, it will come from China and not from anyone else. Is China ready for that, knowing that the only reason their economy has taken off is because of their trade with many countries, most of which do not condone their reclamation and construction activities in the West Philippine Sea? Are they ready to give that up? Heaven forbid.




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