Why attack the government when you were a part of it?

The "unkindest cut of all," or should we say, the most despicable attempt at masked hypocrisy is when Vice President Jojo Binay and Senator Grace Poe open their mouths and blurt out some abrasive, antagonistic, and adversarial attack at the administration when they were very much a part of the government that they now deride as inept, uncaring, incompetent, and lacking in compassion. The vice president was given two important Cabinet portfolios, that of social housing and labor migration. What has he done? Grace Poe rode over the LP and became a top senator using the administration's party machinery and resources, the same party that she now attacks with venom and hypocrisy.

I am not an apologist for this government, far from it. I have written far too many conscientious criticisms against the government of PNoy, especially its incompetence in managing the post-Yolanda disaster rehabilitation program, its lack of decisiveness in handling the Mamasapano tragedy, its seeming incompetence in managing the transport sector, its fixations on the Pantawid mendicancy perpetuation program, in its notorious inability to solve the crises in crimes and drugs, kidnappings and terrorisms, its "teka teka" and vacillating stance on many urgent issues that requires immediate action, and its economic growth which is clearly and admittedly not inclusive. But I have the right as a citizen to say my piece.

Jojo Binay has absolutely no right to attack the government which gave him the most ample opportunities to prove his mettle. But he bungled all of them. He has not accomplished anything in helping 12 million Filipinos in 200 countries all over the world. He has not made his presence felt viz-a-viz the pains, the sufferings, and the difficulties confronting our migrant laborers. He has not made any difference in the struggles of many Filipino domestic helpers who are being maltreated, oppressed, and exploited in the Middle East and elsewhere. He has not created any program to ease the dirty, difficult, dangerous, degrading, and deceptive jobs that our women migrants have to swallow just to mitigate their hunger and poverty.

Grace Poe should be ashamed of herself for attacking the administration with whom she has derived a lot of exposure and opportunity to project herself. When she unabashedly say in her ad "Ayusin Natin Ang Pilipinas." Didn't she realize that she  could have done a lot as a member of the ruling coalition. It was this administration that she is attacking now that appointed her to the movie censors agency even if her citizenship is under a serious question. Aside from her ''trapo'' style of fault-finding and finger-pointing, what laws has she passed in Congress that would make ''ayos'' this unfortunate land of hypocrite politicians and self-righteous upstart who do not really know what they are blurting out recklessly.

Binay was given the social housing portfolio. He was supervising the Pag-IBIG giant bureaucracy. He was the one who caused the presidential appointment of Darlene Berberabe. What have Binay and Berberabe done to the Pag-IBIG Fund? How many hundreds of thousands of homeless families have they provided decent housing? Binay has not even presented an integrated report on his accomplishments, if any, despite the billions of funds put under his control. He has bungled as a housing czar. He has bungled as an OFW czar. What rights does he have to bite the hands that "feed" him? Binay should also be ashamed of himself. He sought the blessings and support of PNoy and when he could not get it, he attacked the administration. What a shame.



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