Moderation is still the key

According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), consuming processed meats such as canned meats, bacon, hotdog and ham increases the risk of developing cancer by several percent. The presence of nitrates used as a preservative is the culprit. Nitrates are known to cause cancer in the laboratory. In fact, the WHO has placed processed meats in the same category as tobacco and asbestos, both known carcinogens.

But according to Dr. Mark Kho, an oncologist from the Philippine General Hospital, cancer is actually caused by several factors and not just by one. One has to take into consideration a person's age, gender, other risk factors such as smoking, alcohol, a positive family history of cancer, occupation and yes, food. Increasing the risk by several percent does not necessarily mean that one will most definitely develop cancer. One has to take into consideration available data on the type of cancer being referred to. Since cancer is multi factorial, all these have to come into play. There are those more predisposed to developing cancer than others.

I remember when it was being said that prolonged, constant use of cellphones put users at risk of developing brain cancer, because of the microwaves that cellphones use to transmit and receive signals, along with the proximity of using the device to the brain. So far, I haven't heard of any case of brain cancer being attributed to cellphone use. I myself have been heavily using my cellphone for years. I still have a clean bill of health.

This does not mean one can binge on processed meats at leisure. Moderation is always the key. Eating processed meats everyday or even every other day cannot be good in any way. Aside from being a cancer-risk, one can develop heart problems and high blood pressure which are equally deadly if unchecked. Strengthening one's resistance and remaining healthy are also key factors in fighting the Big C. Daily exercise and increasing your metabolism is always good. Most cancer victims live a sedentary lifestyle. Taking supplements that actually work benefit the body exponentially. Stuff like anti-oxidants and good cholesterol. The whole idea is to fight off the cancerous cells from gaining a foothold in the body because once it does, the cells are aggressive in nature and will spread as fast as it can. By the time you start feeling something, it may be too late. 



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