The third issue for presidential debate: Labor diaspora

This administration and the previous administrations of presidents Gloria M. Arroyo, Joseph E. Estrada, Fidel V. Ramos, and Corazon C. Aquino have one thing in common. They do not have a total, coherent, long-range, and holistic master plan to address the major and urgent issue of labor migration. Much emphasis has been laid on the revenues generated by no less than twelve million Filipinos who remit no less than 25 billion US dollars annually, therefore stabilizing our peso and keeping the economy flooded with foreign currencies especially the almighty US dollar. The main problem is that all those presidents including the incumbent do not consider this diaspora a problem. If you do not see it as problematic, you won't lift a finger to address it.

And so, the government does not mind at all if, every day, yes, every single day, even on Sundays and holidays,  no less than five thousand Filipinos, mostly the skilled engineers, technicians, nurses, accountants, and teachers are leaving, many of them for good, because this country does not offer them a viable option. They leave with heavy hearts and work abroad always worried about their spouses and children, parents, siblings and other loved ones. But, on the other hand, they are trying to make such sacrifices for and in behalf of their loved ones precisely. And the government even encourages them to leave. The TESDA trains people to go abroad. The DOLE, the POEA, and the DFA program Filipinos to work abroad.

Why do we say that the government encourages them? Because the government has no job opportunities to offer in the domestic labor markets except to become construction workers, sweatshop laborers, or call center agents with too much social issues and problems. The government does not admit it but labor attaches who are assigned abroad are required to search for job markets. I should know whereof I write. I was a labor attaché in three heavily migrated countries: Taiwan, Kuwait, and Malaysia. We were really pressured to protect job markets, even told to focus on employment search and leave OFWs protection to the OWWA and the Welfare Officer. It is plain hypocrisy on the part of government to claim that the welfare of the OFWs is its priority.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Filipinos are being processed by embassies and overseas labor offices to work in dirty, dangerous, difficult, deceptive, and degrading jobs. Thousands of Filipino domestic helpers have been and are still being maltreated, insulted, harassed, and even raped, murdered, and tortured by cruel masters and unscrupulous recruiters and syndicates, by traffickers and kidnappers. The Philippine government does not have a complete and coherent master plan to approach this social cancer. All DOLE officials have no budgetary support. The officers abroad are being sent like lambs to dens of lions.

And what will the presidential candidates say about this. Do they have a plan? None that I know of. Mar Roxas does not understand the phenomenon. He is an ilustrado and an haciendero. He has no OFW relatives. Grace Poe does not consider this a priority. She has other more important things to worry about. Jojo Binay understands the problems. But has he been effective in his role as a migration czar? What has he accomplished? All his pleas for clemency were just ignored by China, the Middle Eastern nations, and even Indonesia. He too does not have a master plan on such an important matter for our country and people.

The presidential debate should require each candidate to present a viable and practical, easy-to-implement strategic plan to address the labor migration problem. Perhaps, only Congressman Roy V Seneres truly understands this phenomenon. My friend Roy used to be a labor attaché like me. He was the savior of Sarah Balabagan. When he was posted in the Middle he had the distinction of hitting an Arab by his fist when the latter maltreated his Filipino maid in front of Seneres. Instead of being investigated, Roy was appointed by President Erap as ambassador. And GMA appointed him chairman of the NLRC. Roy will be be the best when it comes to the OFWs. But will Roy be able to beat Roxas, Poe, Binay, and Miriam? I have my serious doubts. He is another brilliant presidentiable who may not make it ever.

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