Oplan 2016: Arrest Binay, disqualify Poe, dissuade Duterte

The intelligence network has chanced upon a big jackpot of a breaking report in the political front. There indeed is an alleged operation plan to pave the way for MARangal, MARunong and MAARuga to dominate the political horizon. And so, Vice President Jojo Binay has been subjected to a series of ''character assassinations'', trial by publicity and endless Senate investigations, in aid of elimination. Senator Grace Poe is being attacked from the legal front on issues of citizenship and residence. Mayor Rudy Duterte is being dissuaded from entering into the arena.

Why? They are afraid that the ''better'' man will not win. They are afraid that Mar will follow the unfortunate fate of Gibo Teodoro. He looked better, he smelled better, he even sounded better. But he lost to the less qualified bet. It is because they believe that the vast majority of Filipino voters do not really use their intelligence when they make choices. They believe that Filipinos use their emotions, their instincts, and their hunches, their feelings. They believe that Binay is being persecuted and the ''hoi polloi'' always love the underdog. They believe that Grace Poe is being harassed, and sympathy votes may pour in her favor.

These people behind the black oplan are terribly afraid of Rudy Duterte because this maverick mayor is the complete opposite of Mar Roxas. He comes from the proletariat in contrast to Mar's ilustrado and peninsulares lineage. Duterte is decisive, action-oriented and passionate. Mar is bland, colorless, odorless, and does not excite any of the  human feelings. Duterte has fire in his belly. Mar is too calculating, equivocating, and deliberative. He appears not forceful enough, not decisive enough. And he says things that do not resonate with the masses.

If the oplan to arrest Binay holds true, then the UNA shall be demoralized and its followers may jump from a ''sinking ship.'' Even financial contributions may shift to the LP and thus the Binay camp will be totally demoralized. If the oplan to disqualify Grace succeeds, then millions of her supporters will be pushed to choose the ''lesser evil'' who is supposed to be Mar Roxas. If the oplan to dissuade Duterte is successful, then Mar Roxas' greatest threat shall be eliminated. This oplan may not be the idea of PNoy or may not even come from the ''virginal'' mind of Mar and Korina. This may be a concoction of some dark forces in the LP.

But if these guys would welcome an unsolicited advice, they better be careful. This strategy or tactic may boomerang on them and it may finally expose Roxas as a villain instead of a glorified altar boy. This may be the proximate cause of Mar Roxas becoming a ''demon'' instead of an angel. These dark forces in the Roxas camp should weigh their options well. The think tank boys in other camps are not stupid. They may crazy at times, or even silly. But they are definitely not stupid. They were not born yesterday. They have intelligence operations. They have deep penetration agents because they know pretty well that politics is war.

What matters most at the end of the day is that the people should not be manipulated into voting the wrong guy because of dirty tactics and psy-war oplans that poison the truth and make the lies prevail. We, the decent voters, should not allow that to happen. Never.

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