EDITORIAL - More lessons to learn from APEC hosting

Hundreds of policemen from all over the region have been deployed to secure the APEC meetings being held in Cebu. There is reason for the security concerns. The APEC or Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings bring together delegates from all Pacific rim member countries. We simply cannot afford to have an international incident in our hands involving any of the foreign delegates.

Because the duties of soldiers and policemen sometimes overlap in this country where at least two insurgencies are ongoing, policemen are in many ways trained like soldiers. When thrown into any special operation, policemen do not expect to have a ball. And so, while securing the APEC meetings is not exactly going to battle, they know it is not a walk in the park either.

In other words, the policemen securing the APEC meetings are prepared for whatever comes their way. For many of the policemen who are from Cebu, they have at least a home to where they can repair for a hot meal and a warm bed. But for those from outside who were brought here to augment the security, they know they will have to make a few sacrifices for a while.

But while they do not expect to eat like the delegates nor to be billeted in similar quarters, it is to be assumed they all expected to be treated with dignity in at least these two areas of accommodation. To hear, therefore, their being fed hard-boiled eggs and two pieces of spring rolls to go with a cup of rice, and then to sleep in hammocks in whatever school or gym that has space is, to say the least, very disappointing.

The preparation for the APEC meetings has been very massive. A lot of sectors had to make certain sacrifices to make the hosting a success. But apparently, while much of the focus was on securing and making the guests comfortable, little or no regard has been made concerning the policemen who secure them. For all the amount of time, effort and money spent for the APEC meetings, too little it seems had been set aside for the security personnel.

It is good that the Philippine National Police regional office and the City of Cebu have swiftly moved to look into the situation of the policemen. Perhaps there is a need to make sure that meal caterers provide the appropriate food for the amount of money that has been contracted for the service. And if better temporary living quarters can be found, maybe the policemen can be moved there.

There are lessons to be learned here, especially since Cebu's hosting of the APEC will not be the last of international events it will be courting. Next time, maybe it should be included in the preparation the menu for meals so that these can be scrutinized prior to the awarding of any catering contract. And better living quarters must first be found and allocated to at least afford much needed comfort and rest to those who serve and protect.


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