
Says this business news: “Hotel rates up.” Too high says APEC delegates. Isn’t that what business is all about? Making hay while the sun shines.


We lost to China in the bidding to host the FIBA World Cup in 2018. Not to worry, Guys. We still keep the West Philippine Sea.


This Agence France Presse (AFP) article says the Aetas, the first inhabitants of the Phl, no longer own the little patch of land they squat on in the mountains of Luzon. Thank God the Aetas came ahead of us.


The Aetas are now among the so-called illegal settlers in the lands they used to own. But unlike the squatters of our time they’re not giving government demolition teams any trouble. They just squat there giving the teams nothing to demolish.


Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo widow of the well-liked DILG Sec. Jesse Robredo, has denied reports she’s running for vice president. She considers the position too big a responsibility. The more that some political observers want her for the position.


John Ruskin, the famous English author known for fighting social evils, once said: “I believe the first test of a truly great man or woman is his or her humility.” Which is what Rep. Leni Robredo has. Humility.


CBCP (the Bishops) to the electorate: “Go for less tainted candidates.” If any there are, yes?


High rise buildings like condominiums are first rising in Cebu. “This is definitely a sign of progress and development,” said a member of the group called Humanity Unlimited. But he said in an e-mail message: “High-end buildings which are changing the skyline of Cebu are actually not the imperative need of Cebuanos.


He said low-end socialized housing is what’s more needed in Cebu. “Daghan pa baya sa Sugbo ang wa’y desenting panimalay,” he said. “Daghan pa ang namuyo og barong-barong ug mga payag,” he said adding: “Along with the 20 to 30 stories buildings why don’t the property developers build low-end socialized housing for Cebu’s poor?”

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