Controversial questions on “selective” suspensions and detentions

As Filipinos and as firm believers in the rule of law, as well as being faithful adherents to our government of law, and not of men, we should applaud the administration today, for its decisive and fast suspensions of local officials who are being charged of serious violations of laws. The suspension of Makati Mayor Junjun Binay should be seen as a strong demonstration of this government's crusade for good government. Like the suspension of our own dear lady Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, not too long ago, this administration has claimed credit for its uncompromising fight to improve the image of public service.

The questions however that Malacañan and the ruling party may find it difficult to explain is: why are the opposition party members being singled out? Are they the only ones indictable? Why are cases filed against the minority parties given some unprecedented sense of urgency, while the cases against administration partisans seem to just ''lie there'' and perhaps, by all appearances, they will just "die there?" Why? Is this compartmentalized justice? The officials who are identified with the ruling party and who have pending cases have not been suspended, much less detained for plunder or for any graft or corrupt practices act.

We all know that the DAP and the PDAP shenanigans are not the monopoly of the opposition. But who are being charged and detained? In fairness to this government, it has the excellent record of having caused the detention of three big-time senators, Senator Juan Ponce-Enrile, former Senate President, and former National Defense Secretary, and Senator Bong Revilla, son of "Nardong Putik" also former senator, and Senator Jinggoy Estrada, the senior senator/son of two former Senator/couples, former Senator and President Joseph Estrada, now His Honor, Mayor of Manila, and former Senator Luisa Loy Estrada.

In fairness to the government, the suspension of Mayor Binay enjoys the presumption of regularity. But the question is: why the seemingly indecent haste? It was alleged by the Binay camp that the respondent has just been asked to submit his answer to the charges, but less than twenty-four hours from receipt of the order, came surprisingly the supposed order of suspension. Well, this is the same Mayor Binay whom the Senate ordered arrested for contempt in his persistent refusal to appear and obey the subpoena issued in aid of legislation. But every time the Binays are "persecuted," more and more supporters are added to their camp. Pinoys always love the underdogs.

The continuing detention of former President GMA has been raised to the level of the United Nations by the lady lawyer, Amal Clooney. GMA has some sympathizers in the international family of nations. If the supporters of GMA, Enrile, Bong Revilla, and the Estradas would come together and rally behind Binay, then the ruling party may find a challenger who will give them a good run for their money. Just last Wednesday, Congressman Walden Bello resigned from Congress in protest to the President's washing of hands re Mamasapano. That is how the cookie crumbles.

We just came to know that Mayor Nelson Garcia of Dumanjug, my father's town, was suspended too. Well, the Provincial Board's action might have some legal basis. Presumption of regularity once more. But then again, wasn't the ruling party the accuser, the judge, and the executioner all rolled into one? We have the highest respect for Governor Junjun Davide. He is a just and decent man. But is Mayor Garcia the only one guilty? Why was his case deemed high priority? Is this not the brother of Governor Gwen and the gubernatorial candidate Pablo John?  The son of Senior Deputy Speaker Pabling? Or were these only some strange coincidences? Pastilan baya, oy.

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