Stop using poor Talisaynons for personal agenda

The quarrel between Mayor Johnny V. Delos Reyes and Vice Mayor Romeo Villarante will give anything good to us, residents of Talisay City. We feel that the bickering of our two leaders have started to affect the city's basic services. And if they will not stop, their contest will create a sure disaster, not only in leadership and management of the city government, but also the image of this supposed-to-be a progressive city in the first district.

The clash between JVR and Villarante can be traced to the mayor's "tayo-tayo-system" management in the city, that sometimes strike out the reference to the existing statute, just to advance his own agenda. JVR's agenda is for the poor. It is a plausible agenda, considering that the city has no many poor residents that need the attention of the local government. But to set aside the rule of law just to further his pro-poor agenda has no place in a country like ours. We are in a republican and democratic government that adherence to the rule of law is given great weight than our noble intention.

To attend to the needs of the poor is but a noble intention. No qualms with that. But the means that JVR is utilizing to press for his pro-poor program is way above of what is stated in the law. And it is a basic in ethics that we must have a justifiable means to achieve the end. If JVR knows his ethics, he should not violate the law just to get the end, which is to help the poor.

Besides, who does not like to help the poor? If JVR is wielding his pro-poor agenda, does it mean to say that the other officials of Talisay City do not like to help the poor? Doesn't Villarante have no heart for the poor? JVR cannot claim a monopoly of helping the poor because like, him, everybody wants to help the poor.

The mayor's utilization of intelligence funds for assistance to the poor and reducing the budget for the Legislative Department because he wanted it to be realigned to the pro-poor programs of the city are highly questionable. They are in violation of the law.

Moreover, I see JVR's actions as unfair for other residents of the city who are not qualified to be called "poor" and have no place for JVR's pro-poor agenda. How about the residents of the villages and subdivisions in Talisay? How about the professionals and businessmen? How about the expatriates, foreigners and tourists in Talisay? Are they not JVR's constituents who also have the right for the city's basic services, like garbage collection, peace and order, among others.

Sometimes we see JVR's pro-poor agenda as just guises of his real intentions.

The 2016 is quite near and it's time for the local politicians to look for sources of election fund.

I hope that Villarante and the members of the City Council in Talisay would not lower their guard against JVR's wicked intentions utilizing his questionable pro-poor projects.

I am a poor Talisaynon, but I don't like to be used by someone's propaganda just to get his own personal, vested interest.


Lucius Nacario Jr.

Problacion, Talisay City

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