How come no one is looking for Purisima?

Eleven days have passed since the Jan.25th debacle that fell upon the 44 soldiers of the elite Special Action Force  and we're still getting spotty reports here and there about what really happened… why 44 SAF men are now dead, while people are asking…what the 350 other SAF commandos who acted as a block force were doing and why didn't they reinforce their beleaguered men?

Now we learned that aside from the investigation into this mess called for by Pres. Aquino for the Department of Justice  to investigate this incident… there are many others doing similar or parallel investigations, like the one conducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Of course the PNP itself is also having its own investigation.

Then Congress wants to also call for one and of course the Commission on Human Rights and yes, even the Office of the Ombudsman is doing its own investigation to find out why a suspended police officer was able to lead this mission? Even the MILF is also conducting its own investigation and when they are all finished with their reports, I would like to believe that the biggest casualty will be the truth for I strongly believe that the government investigators would certainly make sure that the blame doesn't point to Pres. Aquino. It will be the biggest whitewash since the Agrava Commission that investigated the killing of Sen. Ninoy Aquino, Jr.

However the partial truth has already surfaced when no less than relieved SAF Chief Director Getulio Napeñas revealed that it was suspended PNP Chief Alan Purisima who instructed him to inform PNP officer-in-charge Deputy Director Gen. Leonardo Espina of their mission only after the commandos already reached Mamasapano, Maguindanao on Jan.25th.

Napeñas stated, "I was reporting both to Deputy Director General Espina and Director General Purisima because from the very beginning, about April 2014, it was General Purisima's project. He was the one who approved the operation plan last November." This clearly pins everything down to the suspended PNP Chief Alan Purisima. So we ask… why is he being held incommunicado? They say that he is out of the country… so why not send him back… or can we really say that he has fled the country?

Now calls for the resignation of Pres. Aquino and his entire government are being echoed throughout the nation simply because Pres. Aquino until now is still covering for his pal Alan Purisima. There must be something that Alan Purisima knows about the President that he just can't get rid of this man, even at the expense of his own Presidency.

Listen to the radio commentators, the TV broadcasts and yes, including what netizens are saying in Facebook and Twitter… and everyone wants this President to resign. Of course there are those who dare to write in Facebook "Sure, the President made a mistake." These loyal yellow lapdogs of the Aquino family simply trivialize the deaths of 44 SAF soldiers because of their blind loyalty to Pres. Aquino, whose loyalty to our country is now in question.

Remember in all official functions, Pres. Aquino displays his yellow ribbon, which is not the symbol of the Office of the President or the Philippines…but a symbol of the Aquino Family. People are already saying that on Feb.22nd during the 29th anniversary of the EDSA Revolt… that we should once more troop to EDSA for that massive indignation rally against Aquino.

If you ask me… the nation has come to a full circle. This country rid itself of the conjugal Marcos Dictatorship in a bloodless coup led by the widow of the late Sen. Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. While we got rid of the Marcos Dictatorship, Pres. Cory Aquino immediately released Jose Maria Sison, chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, without any conditions. This is why today we still have the communist insurgency!

In the end, she returned the Pork Barrel system to the legislators and soon, even after we got rid of Alibaba, the 40 thieves have remained for 28 years stealing from the coffers of the nation, thanks to people like Janet Lim Napoles. Now I dare say that it is time to remove the 40 thieves and change our system of governance that would no longer put billions of monies in the hands of corrupt politicians.

Stories of coup rumors are now spoken openly… and yes the only stumbling block to removing Pres. Aquino is the possibility that Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay would take over the reins of power. It is for this very reason why the National Transformation Counci demanded the resignation, not just of Pres. Aquino, but his entire government so we can literally "clean the slate" and build a new government, a government that caters to the needs of the Filipino people, but not the political elite that has ruled our nation since 1986. Only the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines under Soc Villegas doesn't want Aquino to quit, simply because Msgr. Villegas has been an Aquino family friend for a long time.



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