History is made in the US mid-term elections!

Thanks to satellite TV, the world witnessed real democracy in action with the holding of the mid-term elections in the United States of America. It was truly amazing as I was watching CNN's celebrity news anchors come up with their state-to-state analysis and projections that it would be a stunning win by the Republican Party and right on the nose, as CNN predicted, the Democrats who have held the Senate for many decades, finally lost their majority control in the US Senate to the Republicans.

So for the first time in a very long time, the Republican Party holds power in both Legislative houses in Congress and the Senate. This can only be blamed squarely on US Pres. Barrack Obama whose popularity skyrocketed when he won the presidency six years ago but suddenly nosedived. In his last two years, he will have to contend himself with having to deal with the Republicans in both houses. The balance of power in America has finally shifted. This is real Democracy in action, unlike our fake kind of democracy!

For us who fought the Reproductive Health Bill here at home… it is also a small victory because many Republicans are pro-lifers and are against abortion and gay marriages and what we are seeing here is a shift in the American way of life - from liberalism perhaps to conservatism. This has a huge impact on our relations between the US and the Philippines because under Pres. Obama, he gave us that US$454 millennium fund with a long string attached to it, notably our passing the Reproductive Health law.

It would be interesting how things would develop under a Republican controlled Senate and Congress. Who knows, the GOP might go to the extreme of having Pres. Obama impeached! Meanwhile, my good friend Engr. Douglas Gacasan sent me this text message, which goes,

"GOP Congress and Senate may now call formal investigations on Pres. Obama and his henchmen on many perceived illegal acts-Benghazi, IRS, Holder and Hillary's actions and Obama's funding of abortions against provisions of the law etc. As one Fox News reactor said, "Obama belongs to the Chicago mob, a disgrace to America. Israel must now be celebrating."

Douglas added this text, "Our countrymen should know that the RH Bill was part of a global putsch by liberal America -- the Clinton, Obama, Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and Soros group of billionaires who were calling for population control and gay rights through mandatory but questionable vaccination programs with their surrogates in the Philippines. This is the way our Immaculate Mother Mary is moving to protect family and life from Liberal America's imposing their culture of death all over the world."

Indeed there's been a long list of problems that Pres. Obama kept from the American people -- his birthplace, citizenship, and of course the problematic Obamacare. But the biggest blunder under Pres. Obama happened in Benghazi two years ago when they lost US Ambassador Chris Stevens to terrorist attacks. Yet the Obama administration kept all this negative news from the American people until he was re-elected, then the truth finally surfaced on what happened in Benghazi, Libya. So will the Republicans try to impeach Pres. Obama? We'll soon find out.

No doubt, most political analysts say that the Democrats lost the mid-term elections because of the unpopularity of Pres. Obama. This was also supposed to have happened here in the last May 2013 elections. But then, the Liberal Party  had a clear cut advantage of having the Commission on Elections  under its thumb and in the end, as Information Technology Professor Alex Muga of the Ateneo University was able to prove. The voting pattern was statistically impossible in a manual voting, where in all regions, the electorate voted 60% for Liberal Party, 30% United Nationalist Alliance  and 10% for those who run on their own.

This 60%-30%-10% phenomenon was discovered by IT experts and apolitical people. This is what we call "Electronic Dag-Dag Bawas". Yet there was no howl from the hallowed Halls of Congress to have the misuse of the Precinct Count Optical Scan investigated. Of course the LP's don't care if no one investigates this act of fraud by the Comelec because they all benefited from that fraudulent vote. It is for this very reason why the Comelec under Chairman Sixto Brillantes wants to purchase new PCOS machines from the same source, Smartmatic, and we should try to stop this nonsense.

So we hope that the petition to the Supreme Court as filed by IT experts would prosper and that the magistrates would sit down together and seriously look into the evidences that were given to them about the Rape of Philippine Democracy through the misuse of the Precinct Count Optical Scan which the Comelec wants to bid once more. They should be stopped!


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