Widen that road

To Gov. Hilario Davide and CITOM chairman Ruben Almendras. I pass by the Capitol Building everyday and I have noticed that the traffic is always monstrous at corner Escario Street going to M. Velez Street. From Escario Street, cars occupy three lanes and those cars are siphoned into one lane upon turning right to M. Velez, this is the reason why it gets clogged at the junction. I noticed that there is a very wide pedestrian pathway beside Capitol Building which is a waste of space because pedestrians using that pathway are very very few.

I suggest that we reduce the width of that pathway and leave only 20 percent or 10 percent of the present width so that motorists can have a wider road. This will help ease the traffic in that area.

Eng. Monito Bohol

Stay with us,

Pope Francis

In reference to the article published today on the first page of your esteemed newspaper (January 29 issue), please be informed that my wife and myself will be most happy to welcome the Pope or one of his entourage into our humble home.

Jean Michaut

Cebu City


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