From hell

In the past months, some headway has been made in the war against illegal drugs. Raids conducted in a farm in Batangas, and condominiums in Makati and Taguig have yielded drug manufacturing and distribution networks, along with the arrest of several suspects, some foreigners even, leading to the belief that the Sinaloa drug cartel has set up operations in the country. As to how long they have been in the country is anyone's guess, but the fact that they are here poses a huge problem for authorities. And while government is doing everything to fight the drug menace, another more disturbing crime has taken hold in the country as well.

Cyberpornography is nothing new. The whole world is engulfed by it. Most draw the line somewhere. A line that some will not dare cross. But the country in now in the top ten in the world where pornography is rampant. And pedophiles seem to have found a new haven for their sick needs. While pornography exists all over the country, it is most prevalent in Angeles, Pampanga, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro and Metro Manila. So rampant is this scourge, that the PNP has labeled it as the number one crime in the country, even worse than that of illegal drugs. And that is saying a lot.

It is beyond me why an adult would have illicit desires for a child. It is sick to the very core. I don't even consider these cretins as human, but far less so, monsters even. And to think that they are now in the country because of "good pickings" is utterly revolting. But what is even more unacceptable is that some parents actually push their children into the illegal sex trade, because of the money it brings. Foreigners would pay top dollar for these poor children, while their parents count the money.

The Palace has declared an all-out war on child pornography. It should, at it is embarrassing enough to be known as a haven for pedophiles. Why should our children suffer at the hands of these monsters? What future do these children have, and that of the country, if they are to become victims of sexual predators? Whatever hindrances there are in winning the war against child pornography must be removed. There are instances where these monsters even quote the law in evading arrest and conviction. Unbelievable, but true. We are not some country where pedophilia is accepted, thank God.

Drug syndicates and pedophiles. What is this country coming to? Have we become obsessed with fixing the mistakes of the past, that we have forgotten to take care of what we should? I hope and pray that we purge the country of all these monsters, and send them back to where they came from.

From hell.

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