A rally against pork barrel in Fuente O

Apparently the calls for a Million Man march in the Luneta on Aug. 26th Monday (and in Fuente Osmeña here in Cebu) via the social networking sites have exploded in the Internet with so many angry Filipino taxpayers signifying their interest to join the proposed massive rally through their Twitter or Facebook accounts and it is growing every single day. Here’s an example of a text sent to me by my friend, Engr. Douglas Gacasan.

“We’re joining the nationwide indignation rally against the pork barrel on Monday Aug.26, 9am. Hope CITOM can provide orderly traffic management in Fuente Osmeña (or your designated areas in your province). Once and for all, Filipinos should unite to abolish PB. Come and join! Please pass. Thank you and God bless the Philippines!” Douglas Gacasan is one of the owners of Pert, Inc. and he told me that they are willing to pay the salaries of their employees if they attend this rally on Monday.

As of late, many other people working in companies here in Metro Cebu have signified their intention to join the rally, including Civic Clubs and above all, ordinary taxpayers who feel shortchanged that their hard-earned tax money are wasted by the political elite who fatten themselves from the monies that should have gone to worthy projects for the poor Filipino or at least infrastructure projects.

Here in Cebu City, it’s been three years under the Presidency of Pres. PNoy and we just lost three years with zero infrastructure! If you’re not happy about our situation, then be at the Fuente Osmeña this coming Monday! It’s about time we sent a message to Pres. Aquino that we are not happy with his student government… that his daang matuwid is a total failure!

Looking at the social networking sites, the most angry people of all are those below 30-year old, people who are working hard for their money and yes, paying their taxes religiously only to realize that their tax money is siphoned off to fake charities or NGO’s with the monies split between the Congressman or senator involved with Janet Lim Napoles. That many photographs of Jeane Napoles wallowing in luxury that she did not earn has incensed so many people. I’m sure come Monday history would be made, as I believe it could be Cebu’s biggest rally ever!

What is remarkable in this coming rally is that it is taking a life of its own. Like the Arab spring in Libya or in Egypt, there are no leaders that are rallying the Filipino people to march for the abolition of the pork barrel and I have no doubt that Pres. Benigno “PNoy” Aquino, III and his propagandists in Malacañang can no longer stop this. But I gathered in the social networking sites that there is now a very devious effort to sidetrack this rally allegedly by the Kaya Natin group of Harvey Keh. Remember this fellow who testified against CJ Corona but was caught with his foot in his mouth?

Apparently… if the pro-PNoy people can penetrate the rally, their aim is to ensure that Pres. PNoy is “sanitized” from the pork barrel issue. That’s enough for them so that Pres. PNoy would not be the object of the ire of an angry mob of Filipinos fed up with all their yellow propaganda.

But while Pres. Aquino was quoted in The Philippine Star for “suspending” the releases of the pork barrel until the investigation of this mess is done, in my book it is not enough. Pres. PNoy is on record having the biggest pork barrel with a trillion pesos in his disposal, which is often vaguely titled like “Special Purpose Fund”. What in heavens is that? Will the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) also investigate how this presidential pork barrel was spent, used or where the monies were released? I think not!

One of the best examples we can share with you was when the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill was being voted in Congress last December and Pres. PNoy Aquino “invited” all congressmen and women to Malacañang to brief them on why they should vote for the RH Bill? We learned that the release of their pork barrels apparently depended on how they voted for or against the RH Bill. Now wasn’t that a form of bribery? This is why today, the RH Law is in place and we’re slugging it out in the Supreme Court.

But I’m one who believes that God is watching us and by the fact that the RH Law would kill the innocent children and the unborn through abortifacient contraceptives, I have no doubt that God is angry with Pharaoh. A mystic friend of mine texted me last week that a greater flood, bigger than Typhoon Ondoy would strike the heart of Luzon because God is displeased with the Filipino people. And indeed Typhoon “Maring” which was not yet even declared a typhoon until a couple of days ago inundated at least 80 percent of Metro Manila where provinces from Ilocos down to Pangasinan to Cavite were declared to be in a state of calamity. Worse of all, Typhoon “Maring” has remained stationary. Let’s pray to God to spare our people from his wrath. It’s the politicians that he should punish!

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Email: vsbobita@gmail.com

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