EDITORIAL - Jack needs you

It is heartening to know that despite the great difficulties now being suffered by former Cebu City councilor and Citom chairman Jack Jakosalem and his family, there are efforts by his friends both in the media and in government to help him through these difficulties.

Jack, the media person whose voice and music was familiar to many on Y101, has been in and out of the hospital since late last year when he contracted a parasitic infection called neurocysticercosis. Whatever means Jack used to have has slowly been eaten up by the disease. He badly needs help.

His former colleagues at his radio station -- Mike Solon and Chad Songalia -- have organized a radiothon meant to generate funds to help out Jack and his family cope with the crisis. The radiothon, which began last August 2 on Y101, continues on.

Not to be outdone, the Cebu City government, through resolutions pushed by councilors Richard Osmeña and Mary Ann de los Santos, has organized a fun run to be spearheaded by the Cebu City Sports Commission called “Run for Jack” on August 25 at the South Road Properties.

But there is more that can be done for Jack. In September the entire media community in Cebu celebrates Cebu Press Freedom Week. It traditionally kicks off with a Sunday parade/walk. Perhaps the convenors of Cebu Press Freedom Week can turn this parade/walk into a benefit activity for a stricken media colleague, as well.

There are easily a thousand media practitioners who take part in this traditional parade/walk. If these participants can chip in something for Jack, that would be swell, and can make the event even more meaningful than it already is.

Jack, a grandson of the late former Cebu governor Dionisio Jakosalem (the street D. Jakosalem refers to him), is a person easy to help, as he himself is quick to volunteer any assistance to anyone. Remember that snake-biting incident? Jack was instrumental in having the life-saving serum flown to Cebu.

Jack did not sully his name in public service and is friends with his media colleagues. In short, Jack is a good man. It is his turn to need some help from wherever help may come. Cebuanos cannot let a good man like Jack down.

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