Sanctuary for Mali

Imagine yourself locked up in a small space for 36 years. Isolated and lonely, you have nowhere to go other than the four corners of your room. You see people come and go yet they don't seem to realize you're lonely. There you are, all alone, longing to come back to the place where you once felt free. Can you picture that image inside your head? That must feel awful, right?

Well, that is how Mali feels. Mali is now known to be the world's loneliest elephant. She has been feeling lonely, and unhappy in the Manila Zoo for more than 36 years now. A number of people would pass her by everyday, and think of her as a source of entertainment. She is not. Mali deserves so much more; she deserves to return to the wild, to bathe in ponds and rivers, to eat FRESH vegetation, and most importantly to be with the company of many other elephants. A zoo just cannot give her that kind of life.

It has now been confirmed by elephant experts that Mali is experiencing foot problems, and she may die if she is not treated and transferred into a sanctuary soon. I believe each and every one of us, including the animals, have the right to feel safe, to feel loved, and to feel free. Mali needs OUR help; let us all urge the authorities to transfer Mali to a sanctuary NOW.

Just put yourself into Mali's shoes, would you feel safe? Would you feel loved? Would you feel free? Think about it.


Joella Marie J. Regalado

2488 Bugnay St. La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City


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