PNoy and Veep Binay de facto officials?

It was a very interesting morning at the 888 Forum at the Marco Polo Plaza Hotel yesterday as their guests were Rep. Mitos Magsaysay, former Senate President and Philippine Star columnist Ernie Maceda, Kapatiran Senatorial bets JC Delos Reyes, Lito David and Marwil Llasos… all of whom are not in the top 12 or even the top 20 list in the latest surveys conducted by SWS or Pulse Asia. So our good friend Boy Solomon fired up the most brutal question of all… why are they still campaigning when they are no were near the latest surveys.

This was answered by the hoarse-voiced Rep. Mitos Magsaysay daring the Social Weather Station (SWS) or Pulse Asia to tell us how they conducted the surveys because giving the Aquino Regime a very high popularity rate or saying that 80 percent of Filipinos are satisfied with their lives is next to impossible given what she saw during the campaign all over the country. She said that in the campaign in Mindanao, the people there are suffering from serious brownouts; a problem that was never solved under Pres. Benigno “PNoy” Aquino, III yet; SWS and Pulse Asia tell us that the people are satisfied?

Again this is a challenge to the Comelec that they should go out and stop those highly-questionable surveys that are clearly used for trending purposes. But somehow the Comelec refuses to heed our call. Kapatiran Party Senatorial bet Marwil Llasos and Lito David clearly said that SWS and Pulse Asia are owned by the relatives of the Aquino family and therefore they are part and parcel of the Aquino propaganda machinery.

This validates our previous columns that both these pollsters are the tools used by Aquino propaganda machinery to make wrong impressions of today’s reality that indeed the Aquinos are fooling us. According to Lito David, both Professor Holmes and Dr. Mahar Mangahas should be hanged for their effort to fool the Filipino people. What can I say… but since the year 2010, they never reacted to our columns.

Funny that the 888 Forum was able to put all these candidates together, especially with Manong Ernie Maceda who sat in the opposite sides of the Presidential table with the Kapatiran Party whose slogan is Konta Trapo sa Senado. While Ernie Maceda may be considered a “trapo”, he however, is not into creating his own dynasty.

I asked the guests a very crucial question…why are they still campaigning when we know too well that the Aquino Regime will use the PCOS machines against them. Mitos Magsaysay said, “I’m still hoping against hoping that this administration will not be so bad enough that they would still allow a free and honest elections. As for me, miracles still happen…whether the PCOS machines will do its thing or not.”

As for Ernie Maceda, he merely issued a stern warning to the President… “Let him be warned that if cheating happens, it could never happen unless it has the approval of the powers-that-be in Malacañang. It could be the downfall of the Aquino administration if he allows this to happen.” Now was that a prophecy Manong Ernie? Abangan and susunod na kabanata!

As for Lito David, he said it clearly that “Pres. Benigno “PNoy” is a de facto President and Binay the de facto Vice-President… for the cheating in 2010 elections.” The bishops were given a briefing by the IT experts on the PCOS machines and what happened in the 2010 elections. Until now they are still using the same system…if it happens, I concur with Maceda’s warning that Pres. Aquino be very cautious that there could be a repeat of EDSA if he allows the PCOS to cheat the elections.”

 Meanwhile Marwil Llasos said “The 2010 wasn’t a clean and honest election. If that can happen in Compostela, then that can happen all over the country. We continue to fight for democracy in this country…but if they cheat us, I will go to Malacañang and shout to the world that Pres. Aquino is not our duly elected President.” These are bold answers to our daring questions. But will Malacañang even honor these people with an answer?

The last topic discussed was the revelation by Lito David and concurred by Manong Ernie Maceda that the Office of the President under PNoy has P300 billion in pork barrel. Honestly now, I never thought that this was for real. But apparently, Lito David said that this could be found in the budget of the Office of the President. So rather than removing the pork barrel, under the Aquino Regime, it did not only increase but also now included governors and mayors.

JC Delos Reyes said that the abolition of the pork barrel is the party stand from day one and “we are wiling to sign an affidavit to waive our right over the pork barrel and even Bank Secrecy Laws.” Lito David also challenged all senatorial contenders to a public debate on the issues of the economy, corruption and politics. Let’s see if someone will take the bait.

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