In response to Costanilla letter

Legal Counsel

Liberal Party Cebu Province Chapter

Relative to the letter of Mr. Sam Costanilla which saw print in your paper’s March 15, 2013 issue, please allow us to set the record straight on what is obviously a self-serving and gratuitous presentation of facts by Mr. Costanilla.

As far as we know, Mr. Costanilla is not the organizer of the debate alluded to. He is in no position to speak in behalf of the organizers and on the alleged events that took place regarding the proposed debate.

There was never any communication from the camp of Atty. Hilario “Junjun” Davide III to the law students. Let it be put on record that Atty. Davide never requested a copy of the questions beforehand to make it a condition for the debate to push through. We urge Mr. Costanilla to verify his facts before spreading this to the public as if this were gospel truth.

It would have been healthier for Mr. Costanilla to discuss the controversies relating to the Balili lot purchase, the CICC and such other issues that would give the public an accurate picture of the character of certain candidates.

Thank you very much and more power to your paper.

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