Resentment in Hong Kong

This news item made me smile, and at the same time understand. I understood the peeved reaction of Hong Kongers (yes, that's their demonym) over a mainland Chinese mother who allowed her son to relieve himself into a bottle, while inside a crowded restaurant in the southern city. Hong Kong has struggled with the increasing influx of tourists from mainland China, who now seem to have the money to visit the once British colony. And their ideas of etiquette couldn't be further apart!

Remember that Hong Kong was once under British rule for a good ninety-nine years. So in all aspects, the endemic Chinese of Hong Kong have absorbed most, if not all that is British, including its well known penchant for etiquette. To say that it has become westernized is true. So with the influx of the mainland Chinese, their cultures, and their own versions of etiquette were bound to clash. With the bottle-urinating incident comes an internet war the likes both sides have not seen. But what Hong Kongers have been complaining ever since the tours have come in may have reached a boiling point.

Of course, the mainland Chinese will not be pushovers, calling Hong Kong “the dogs of British colonialists”. A local from Hong Kong answers back by saying that only dogs pee everywhere. I guess he should not visit the country, I would think, but that's for another time. And so the insults and counter-insults continue. This reflects the growing resentment Hong Kongers have towards an “invasion” by mainland Chinese. Their cultures are just so different. Perhaps the mainland Chinese should be aware of the saying “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. I also recall an advertisement of a bank where they say that they know what their clients need because they know the culture.

My own family and myself have experienced what it feels like to be at the receiving end of mainland Chinese “etiquette”. We were pushed at the brink of being crushed inside an aquarium. We have been cut in queues for meals and rides. We have seen the spitting and other unsightly manners - at least from our point of view - and could do nothing but ride them out. 

I believe that whatever “unacceptable manners” the mainland Chinese have are not necessarily unacceptable to them. And if they bring those manners along with them, it is totally because of ignorance than anything else. But it seems all the resentment is starting to have an effect, as a school of etiquette is about to open in Beijing, to teach the various “acceptable manners” once they step out of their comfort zones that is the mainland. They should put up more of those schools all over China! With a population of more than a billion, that is definitely a lucrative venture. Just imagine having a billion paying students of etiquette!

For now, I'm sure the insults and counter-insults on the internet will continue. But with all the resentment going on in Hong Kong, I'm certain that they will not stop the "invasion" of mainland Chinese into the southern city. For they bring with them the one thing all Hong Kongers love the most.  Money.



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