Mandaue City prepares for IEC

CEBU, Philippines - About two weeks to the 51st International Eucharistic Congress (IEC), Mandaue City is already laying down its plans for the international event, according to Mayor Jonas Cortes.

“Gipangandaman na nato, the reason why we are here is to layout the plans for implementation,” said Cortes during yesterday’s meeting with organizers and participating groups at the City Hall’s Session Hall.

Yesteday’s meeting was also graced by the local police represented by Senior Superintendent Jimmy Aguisanda, who said they have already been doing preparations since November.

Aguisanda said there will be police personnel, police interns and barangay tanods to be deployed in all areas where there are IEC activities.

Cebu Doctors’ University-Mandaue Campus will be venue for the Theological Symposium on January 20 to 22.

A walk participated by around 5,000 youth delegates will also pass by Mandaue City from Lapu-Lapu City on January 28. The delegates will hold an overnight vigil at Mandani Bay in the North Reclamation Area.

Most of these delegates will join the parish encounter wherein Mandaue’s churches are among the areas they will visit.

Aguisanda said during the youth walk, they will deploy 30 PNP personnel, 20 police interns and 20 barangay tanods for every cluster to man the streets at a 15- to 20-meter gap.

They will also tap the Coast Guard to help them secure the area, considering that the place is near the beachfront.

He said the Youth Day on January 28 will be among their top priority in terms of security as thousands are expected to show up to attend the various activities.

The whole force will stick around while there will still be delegates in Mandani, he said.

For his part, Cortes said the city should be proud that it is part of the IEC celebration. He said this event is “bigger than APEC” so he urged the people to help, especially in terms of security.

“This is bigger than APEC, so we need your help. Let’s cooperate,” he said.

There may be no threats on the security, but Cortes said the public should not only place the job of maintaining peace and order solely on the police. He said it should be everybody’s concern.

“We need the participation of the public. Let’s also be vigilant and report anything unusual before anything happens,” he said.

He also asked for prayers that the IEC and the Sinulog celebrations will be “successful and peaceful.”  (FREEMAN)

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