Cleanup campaign continues

CEBU, Philippines - The Mandaue City government is carrying out today its fourth Saturday cleanup drive in different areas of the city, as part of its participation in Mega Cebu’s “Limpyo Cebu, Pwede Kaayo!” campaign.

Mayor Jonas Cortes directed all city government and barangay officials and personnel to participate in the cleanup drive, which “aims to raise active participation of the general public on the garbage problem that besets our society today.”

According to Roger Paller, head of Mandaue City’s Public Information Office, the campaign that has been conducted every Saturday since August 25, would “change the mindsets” of residents and not rely solely on the Clean and Green personnel to clean the areas of the city.

“We’ll start with the big personalities who will lead in the cleanup, so that others will follow,” Paller said. Different departments of the City Hall are assigned to clean the different areas in the city, while those in other offices will clean the surroundings of their respective buildings, he said.

Today’s cleanup drive will be done along B. Zamora Street, at the back of the City Hall; from S.B. Cabahug Street to Catalino Ouano Street; and at the park and plaza near the Mandaue City Public Library.

Paller said the city government will not be giving any monetary compensation for the participants in the activity, because these are their “extra service” to the city.

The cleanup activity will be from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and attendance of the participants will be checked by the city’s Human Resources Management Office, as directed by the mayor. —Jave A. Matugas (FREEMAN)

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