Businesses ‘encroaching’ city streets

CEBU, Philippines - The Mandaue City Council has requested for inspection of city sidewalks which are allegedly being encroached by motorcycle-related businesses.

The council yesterday approved on first reading a resolution asking the City Legal Office to thoroughly check the city's sidewalks reportedly used as extension of motorcycle clinics in the form of vulcanizing, display, assembly and repair areas.

City councilor Jimmy Lumapas sponsored the resolution.

In his resolution, Lumapas said although the city is overwhelmed with the proliferation of motorcycle clinics in some barangays, he found it "disturbing" to see how most of these businesses have extended their domain by using public areas such as sidewalks.

Lumapas said some establishments even go as far as using portions of the main streets.

These motorcycle clinics, he added, are mostly located along the road stretches in Barangays Guizo, Ibabao and Mantuyong and other remote barangays.

He also said the firms' activities include vulcanizing, display of parts, assembling, repair, maintenance and others which are related to the motorcycle business.

Lumapas is urging the city government to look into the matter closely, especially on the hazards the "illegal" extension may pose among motorists and the general public.

The local legislator is hopeful that the proposed measure will help restore the city's sidewalks which were originally intended for pedestrians.

The city will bank on its Anti-Abuse Ordinance which aims to curb the rise of these activities and practices, Lumapas said.  (FREEMAN)


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