Lapu-Lapu pushes P7 minimum trike fare

CEBU, Philippines - Commuters of tricycles in Lapu-Lapu City will soon enjoy a P1 reduction in fares due to continuous rollbacks in the prices of petroleum products.

Felix Gila, president of Lapu-Lapu Confederation of Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association, said he will make a board resolution endorsing a minimum tricycle fare of P7 in Lapu-Lapu City.

City Councilor Eddie Cuizon and Mayor Paz Radaza will be signing on the document. Cuizon is the chairperson of the city's Committee on Transportation.

The council is expected to tackle the proposal on Wednesday. Once the resolution gets the approval of the council, the new rate will take effect immediately.

Last Thursday, a public consultation was held at the Lapu-Lapu City Sports Complex where some 200 tricycle drivers and operators were present.

Gila said all the drivers and operators unanimously agreed with the proposal.

The 32 tricycle associations under LLCTODA will get to sign the proposed resolution so that the document will be legitimized.

The initial fare recommended during the discussion was supposed to be P7.50 but anticipating challenges on giving the change later on, stakeholders came up with the decision to decrease minimum fare to P7.

The consultation was also attended by lawyer Roldan Pepito of City Legal Office and City Traffic Management Systems chief Frank Brazil.

Tricycle drivers and operators who will not follow the proposed fare reduction will be subject for suspension for three months, according to Gila.

Lapu-Lapu City is home to more than 3,000 registered tricycles and 2,684 tricycle drivers. — (FREEMAN)

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