Informal settlers in Talisay City get access to electricity

CEBU, Philippines - Informal settlers in Talisay City will now have a chance to gain access to electricity as Mayor Johnny de los Reyes issued an executive order granting temporary electrical connections.

De los Reyes calls it the "Stream of Light Program" which gives special free electrical connections for indigents.

Under the EO issued by De los Reyes, the qualified applicants are those living in lots not owned by applicants. The mayor said they are qualified for the program whether their buildings are made of concrete or temporary materials so long as they are registered city voters.

The program, however, is only applicable to informal settlers who are indigents. 

"This is one way of helping less fortunate families in the city," De los Reyes said, adding that many of the families cannot avail of an electrical permit to get power for their homes because they constructed their dwellings without plans and permits.

To avail of the program, the applicant must submit a recent picture showing the full building or house with the owner-applicant in the front of the house.

The applicant must also have a community tax certificate and barangay certification.

Those who wish to avail of free electricity connection should seek recommendation from the city's Social Welfare Development Office showing they are indigents. SWDO will then evaluate their applications. —  (FREEMAN)

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