Radaza wants parents in Cordova porn sued

CEBU, Philippines - If she had it her way, Mayor Paz Radaza would also sue the parents of 15 Lapu-Lapu City children who were rescued on June 24 from doing online pornography in exchange for money in Cordova town.

Radaza said parents of the rescued children are accountable if it will be proven they had participation to the illegal activity.

"Ma-file-lan (og kaso) ang mga ginikanan kay di ta mo-tolerate ana," Radaza said in a press conference yesterday.

Radaza said they could not determine yet the number of parents to be charged but she confirmed that based on the evidence recovered, a few adults were also exposed in the photos with the children.

She added that the case should progress based on evidence and truth and not on hearsays.

The rescued 11 girls and four boys were accommodated in a safe house of the Department of Social Welfare and Development in the city. Due to the incident, the studies of the rescued children aged 8 to 15 years old have been interrupted.

"I told schools division superintendent Dr. Eduardo Ompad to coordinate with the DSWD. Naa man sad sila'y way of teaching," the mayor said, suggesting an alternative learning system of  the agency that may apply for the children's educational needs.

Three of the 15 children have undergone physical and psychological examination, according to Radaza.

Asked if she is in favor of "shame campaign" to combat online pornography, Radaza said the strategy should be studied carefully hinting there are other different ways to prevent social problems and that there are certain areas that the campaign can be applied in a different approach.

"If not studied cautiously, this might spark conflict," she said.

After the children were rescued from the hands of Australian national Peter Robinsons and the 17-year-old recruiter in a village resort in Cordova about two weeks ago, criminal charges have been filed against the two by the Children's Legal Bureau and Cordova police.

The CLB, Radaza said, has reviewed the case together with the DSWD. The parents will be sued in violation of Republic Act 10364 or Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, she added.

The recovered pieces of evidence were already examined last week, according to the Cordova police chief Alexander Nunez.

Several nude photos of the children were seen through the confiscated flash drive owned by Robinsons, the alleged suspect who brought the children to Cordova Home Village to do pornographic acts. (FREEMAN)

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