Accidental gunfire hurts one construction worker

CEBU, Philippines - A man is now recuperating in the hospital after he was accidentally shot several times with a .45 caliber being borrowed by a suspect from a security guard off duty at a construction site in Sitio Huyong-huyong, Barangay Tawason, Mandaue City last Tuesday afternoon.

Therson Tawason, 33, a resident of Sitio Hilltop in the barangay, was brought to Cebu North General Hospital after he sustained gunshot wounds on the right back of his lower leg, right thigh and left hand when the gun being played around by Mario Verlasco, a neighbor, accidentally fired.

Police investigation revealed that both suspect and victim were inside the compound of IPM Construction site in Sitio Huyong-Huyong as both work as construction workers.

SPO1 Tirso Plania of Canduman Police said that it was found that the suspect owned the said .45 caliber pistol.

It was during their break time at around 3:45 p.m. that the suspect, victim and a certain Edgar Baluarte, an off-duty security guard, were inside a makeshift house wherein the suspect was playing with his gun.

While playing, it accidentally went off and hit the victim several times. The shots were heard by co-workers who immediately rushed to the scene and brought the victim to the hospital.

But as co-workers were busy attending with the victim, the suspect also hurriedly fled from the place and a hot pursuit operation was immediately conducted against the suspect but failed to arrest him.

However, the caliber.45 colt 911 pistol used in the incident was left behind and was then turned over by Baluarte to the policeman who then submitted it to the PNP Crime Laboratory -7 for ballistic examination. (FREEMAN)

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