Upgrade of tech system at Talisay CH deferred

CEBU, Philippines - The Talisay City council has deferred the approval of the proposed memorandum of agreement (MOA) with any competent computer company that can provide an integrated and comprehensive computerization program.

Councilor Doroteo S. Emit, in a proposed resolution, wishes to upgrade the technology system on comprehensive computerization program at city hall in order to raise the standards and competency in the delivery of public service.

But Councilor Aldrin Diaz suggested yesterday that a technology department must be created first before entering into an agreement with a computer company. 

“I suggest that the matter be laid on the table and that the creation of an IT department is necessary for proper designation and recommendation of the proposed resolution of Councilor Emit,” Diaz said. 

Emit, however, is not against the deferral of his resolution and will wait for the ordinance. 

Emit said the technology system currently adopted by the different departments and sections at city hall, namely, the city treasurer’s office, accounting office, budget office, the human resource office, city assessor’s office, permits and licenses section, local housing section, city engineering office, and the general services office are undoubtedly outdated. 

A comprehensive computerization program that provides linkages to all the departments concerned will ensure efficient document tracking, effective payroll system, improved processing of business, building, and fencing permits, Emit said.  (FREEMAN)

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