Barangay Subangdaku adopts modern veggie technology

CEBU, Philippines - Barangay Subangdaku in Mandaue City has adopted the latest vegetable technology: the use of plastic mulch, at least the first in the city.

Yesterday, 37 barangay gardeners graduated from a six week-training on the use of this technology.

The training was conducted by the city agriculture office at the garden site located at the Telecommunications Office.

Sharon Mangadlao, assistant city agriculturist said the plastic mulch with holes fitted to the plants is placed on the surface of every plot to prevent erosion, hold water for a longer time, and prevent the growth of weeds.

“This technology coupled with the application of organic fertilizer makes the plant healthy making it a perfect source of healthy diet for the humans,” Mangadlao said.

During the hands-on training, the gardeners experimented on the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers.

Two plots were treated with no fertilizer, another two treated with chicken dung, two others with sludge from the San Miguel Brewery, and the last two were treated with a combination of chicken dung.

Although the plants in the last two grew the tallest but the difference with the plants treated with sludge was insignificant.

Knowing the bad effects of inorganic, Mangadlao recommended the use of sludge in the gardening project of Subangdaku.

Barangay Subangdaku captain Ernie Manatad said taking the clue from Mayor Jonas Cortes who is himself an agriculturist, he converted the more than a hectare of government lot into a vegetable plantation cultivated by volunteer residents each taking care of a 40 square-meter garden planted at least with six varieties.

“Working on the garden gives us healthy food aside from healing me from my diabetes and hypertension,” said Rudy Reyes, 53, who was awarded a certificate for his hard work.

In view of the success of its green program, Manatad said the barangay will launch its “pinakbet” festival this year.  (FREEMAN)

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