Talisay traffic body needs tow truck

CEBU, Philippines - The City of Talisay-Traffic Operation Development Authority (CT-TODA) is praying for a tow truck.

Gerard Lariego of CT-TODA said the city now needs a tow truck to keep the streets free of obstructions so that traffic can flow effortlessly.

He said vehicles involved in accidents have to be towed if their engines had broken down.

But since the city has no tow trucks, traffic enforcers have to use brute force to push vehicles to the roadside to unclog traffic.

Lariego said that last year, a big truck broke its chassis under the flyover at the Tabunok road, creating in the process a bottleneck.

He said it was difficult to move the truck.

Early this year, CT-TODA asked the city mayor for a tow truck.

He said the city will set aside next year a budget for a tow truck next year.  (FREEMAN)


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