“Jealous” man shoots, wounds live-in partner

CEBU, Philippines - Following a quarrel the previous night, a man shot and critically wounded yesterday morning his live-in partner at a warehouse of a junkshop in Ramona Village, barangay San Isidro, Talisay City.

Judith Lugay, of sitio Mananga I, Tabunok, Talisay City, shot once on the left shoulder and thrice on the abdomen, was immediately taken by co-worker to the Talisay City District Hospital but transferred to the Visayas Community Hospital.

Lugay’s live-in partner, Benjamin Buton, 37, resident of Mananga I, has fled.

SPO4 Daniel Tarucan said jealousy was established as the motive for the shooting.

Buton had accused his live-in partner of having an affair with another man.

But the police said it is Buton, who is jobless, as the one who has affair with another woman.

Buton’s accusation sparked the quarrel, the police said.

Tarucan said Lugay works at the junkshop in Ramona Village and her earnings support Buton.

Last Thursday Buton and Lugay quarrelled due to jealousy and the man allegedly demanded that Lugay leave the house, Tarucan said.

To avoid trouble, Lugay left and slept at a friend’s house.

Yesterday at past 7:00 a.m. Lugay was in the warehouse.

An armed Buton was already inside the warehouse when Lugay entered, and then fired, hitting Lugay on the shoulder.

Lugay asked for mercy and begged Buton not to shoot again.

But Buton fired thrice before fleeing.  (FREEMAN)

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