CESAFI beach volley semis set today

CEBU, Philippines - Southwestern University, the defending champion in both men's and women's division, take on separate opponents in the crossover semifinals of the Cebu Schools Athletic Federation, Inc. beach volley event today at the SWU sand courts outside the Aznar Coliseum.

In the women's bracket, the SWU belles will go up against the University of Southern Philippines Foundation, while their male counterparts will take on the University of the Visayas.

Like SWU, the University of San Jose-Recoletos also has a double appearance against the University of Cebu in the other women's semis and opposite in USPF in the men's side.

In the secondary semifinals , USJ-R  will face USPF in the girls class and the University of San Carlos in the boys category.

The other final Four matches pits SWU versus UC and USPF against the Don Bosco Technology Center.

The winners will clash for the championship in their respective categories tomorrow.— Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (FREEMAN)

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