YBL D-League teams fight for playoff berths

CEBU, Philippines -  It was positioning time as teams fought for berths in the playoffs of the CYBL D-League 2013 at games held over the weekend at the SHS-Ateneo de Cebu (SHS-AdC) Mango Campus, Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Mandaue (CIC-M) and University of San Carlos (USC)-North Campus gyms.

In the Under 10 division, St. Benedict Child Learning Centre eked out a 17-15 win over USC South to snatch third place in the team standings behind USC North and SHS-AdC.

On the other hand, Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Mandaue (CIC-M) registered its fourth straight win without a loss by defeating St. Benedict, 32-19, in Group B play of the SBP division.

USJ-R overcame USC North C, 36-28, while Don Bosco-B nipped Virgen de las Escuelas Pias School (VEPS), 31-30, in other Group B games.

SHS-AdC-B topped Thumbs Up, 39-27, to score its fourth straight win after a loss to position itself at second spot behind pace-setting USC North B in Group A of the SBP division.

Games in the Passerelle division games were all close as SHS-AdC-B nipped USC North-B, 53-51, to remain undefeated in Group C. UV-B outscored USC South-C, 49-41, in overtime, while Thumbs Up 1 nipped USJR-B, 42-40.

The team standings of the Under 10 division have USC North at the top with a 5-0 record, followed by SHS-AdC (4-1), St. Benedict (3-2), USJR (2-3), USC South (1-4) and Don Bosco (0-5). The top four teams move on to the semifinals.

Group A of the SBP division has USC North B leading the pack at 4-0, trailed by SHS-AdC (4-1), Thumbs Up (3-2), Quiot Elementary School (1-2), USC South C (1-3) and Don Bosco C (0-5).

Group B of the SBP division sees USC South B and CIC-M tied at the top at 4-0. USJ-R (4-2) and Don Bosco B (3-2) make up the rest of the top four. VEPS (2-4), USC North C (1-5) and St. Benedict (0-5) round up the cast. The top four teams of each group advance to the crossover quarterfinals.

In the Passerelle division’s Group A, USC South B, Blessed John Seminary 1 (BJS 1) and USC North C are tied for the top spot a t 2-1, followed by Don Bosco C (0-3).

In Group C, SHS-AdC B is first at 3-0, followed by Thumbs Up 2 (2-0), USC North B (2-2), Don Bosco C (1-3) and BJS 2 (0-3).

The quarterfinal stage of Groups B and D see Thumbs Up 1 at 3-0, UV-B (3-1), USC South C (2-1), USJR-B (1-2), SHS-AdC C (1-2) and Don Bosco B (0-4). (PR)(FREEMAN)

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