That sinking feeling

Remember when you were just a kid and the balloon string slipped through your fingers and gradually disappeared from your teary eyes forever?

I guess this must be similar feeling that Alberto Contador is in right now. Two days ago, he still “believed” when he took back 66 seconds on Chris Froome in the crosswinds. But after the mugging he got from Froome along the slopes of the giant of Provence, Mt. Ventoux, it’ll be hard for him to tell himself and the press that this Tour is still winnable. In last year’s VueltaaEspana, he won the Vuelta by when he made an audacious attacked during a transitions stage that caught Purito Rodriguez of Katusha off-guard. But Froome is not Purito nor is Sky as inept as Katusha so it’s as easy as it seemed. Besides, I’m sure that Sky is well prepared for this contingency.      

As far as the other pre-race favorites like Cadel Evans, Andy Schleck, Nairo Quintana and Alejandro Valverde, they’ll have to lower their ambitions, like a stage win, but its not easy. With Sky’s domestique Richie Porte and Peter Kennaugh making a resurgence after being AWOL last week, it looks like the Sky steamroller is back. I know its farfetched but I have this feeling that Porte was just playing possum to deflect the doping insinuations that the team has been subjected to. Then I recalled that the other climbers of team Sky, Rigoberto Uran and Sergio Hanao aren’t even on the team!

Among the pre-race favorites, only Nairo Quintana had the moxie to attack Froome. I’m still waiting for Contador for his promised aggression. As for the Belkin duo of BaukeMollema (2nd overall) and Laurens Ten Dam (5th overall), they’re simply over-performing, and can’t do more. If you’re not a Froome fan, then this Tour is as exciting as the NBA Finals between the Spurs and the Pacers.


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