NM Hardware '95 drubs Jepoy '99 in CECABA

CEBU, Philippines - With top gunner Donald Anthony Ting handcuffed to a measly two points, New Millennium Hardware '95 banked on the deadly one-two punch of Dean Dy Teves and Joseph James Yu to pull off a close 47-42 decision over Jepoy '99 in the Cebu Eastern College Alumni Basketball Association's 12th Dr. Chen Lieh Fu Memorial Cup last Thurday night at the City Sports Club-Cebu gym.

Dy Teves carded in 17 points on top of nine rebounds and six blocks, while Yu added 14 points, six rebounds and three assists as Class '95 bettered its win-loss record to 12-1.

Class '95 lost an early 15-9 lead and even trailed by two at halftime, 22-24, but regained its offensive bearing in the final half to escape with a five-point victory in what is by far its lowest scoring game of the season.

Mark Eugene Bukiron charted 22 points, nine rebounds and two blocks but couldn't spell any difference as Class '99 fell to 6-5 in a tie with Best World Lifestyle 2004, which notched its sixth win in 11 starts at the expense of First ACY Shipping 2006, 63-58.

After a 26-all standoff at halftime, Class 2006 suddenly caught fire, launching a fierce 29-14 assault to post a 55-40 lead heading into the final 10-minute mark of the contest.

Class 2004, however, staged a daring counter-attack in the windup, closing the match with a decisive 23-3 rally to stun Class 2006 at the final buzzer.

Joseph Aljhune Areja paced Class 2004 with 15 points, while Kevin Mamac and Randy Sypongco chipped in 11 and 10 markers, respectively.

Junwynn Dy exploded with 34 points on top of six rebounds, three assists and two steals, while Gino Louis Abella added 17 points and two rebounds but their efforts went to waste as Class 2006 slumped to its 11th loss against only two victories.

The scores

First game

Class '95 (47) - Dy Teves 17, Yu 14, Gollon 8, Tiu 4, Ting 2, Arjona 2

Class '99 (42) - Bukiron 22, Tiu 6, Miranda Sy 6, Tan 2, Lao 2, Abayan 2, Dabatos 2

Second game

Class 2004 (63) - Areja 15, Mamac 11, Sypongco 10,  Alvez 8, Tan 6, Beltran 3, Chan 3, Ong 2, Co 2, Lim 2, Matabalan 1

Class 2006 (58) - Dy 34, Abella 17, Nuñez 6,  Rosello 1 (FREEMAN)

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