Track oval to under another repair after Palaro hosting

CEBU, Philippines — The P52-million newly-renovated rubberized track oval at the Cebu City Sports Center will undergo another repair after the city’s hosting of the Palarong Pambansa 2024 due to the minor damage allegedly caused during the setting up of the stage for today’s opening program.

Cebu City acting Mayor Raymond Alvin Garcia said he had already discussed the matter with the contractor--SBD Builders. Garcia said 

“…after the Palaro is done and over with, they will refurbished it, they will fix it again, that's the time nga ato siyang bayran," said Garcia.

A photo of a damaged portion of the track oval made rounds on social media a week after it was inaugurated. The acting mayor explained that the damage was caused by the city government’s handling of construction materials needed for the stage.

"First of all, niingon ang contractor nako nga there are some don't nga dili gyud nimo pwede buhaton sa usa ka rubberized track nga atong nabuhat kay tungod lagi nagprepare ta," said Garcia.

He admitted that some of the materials, especially scaffoldings, fell on the track oval during transport leaving a mark on the surface. The use of vehicle should have been avoided on the oval track but the city government ignored the warning from the contractor.

"Mo-deform gyud siya. These are the things. Pero di man gyud na nimo malikayan sa pagkakaron kay we really have to set up the stage (already)," said Garcia.

To avoid more damage onwards, portions of the oval are now being covered with wood planks. The contractor has also assured to repair the lanes that were damaged and ensure that these can be used on the actual opening day.

According to Garcia, the contractor also agreed to ensure that all minor damage will be repaired after the Palarong Pambansa so the city government can release the full payment. (CEBU NEWS)

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