KBP-Cebu, CFBJ condemn interview of rape victim

CEBU, Philippines — Following the viral radio interview by two Cebu-based broadcasters of a 4-year-old alleged rape victim, the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkasters ng Pilipinas (KBP-Cebu) and the Cebu Federation of Beat Journalists (CFBJ) have expressed condemnation of such interview and has called out the radio station for irresponsible reporting.

In a statement issued yesterday, March 15, KBP-Cebu led by its chairman Allan “Abai Mon” Montesclaros said it “strongly condemns the acts of Brigada News FM Cebu anchormen—Atty. Juril Patino and Dennes Tabar, during an on-air interview of a four-year-old believed to be a rape victim last March 13, 2024 at around 6:50 am.”

KBP-Cebu noted in its statement that a portion of this interview extracted from the station's Facebook Live that was said to be facilitated by a station's field reporter in a police station is now circulating all over social media platforms, and that the two anchormen questioned the minor without restraint.

“For KBP-Cebu the occurrence in this said video is unacceptable, deplorable, and very disturbing. KBP would like to refresh Cebu broadcasters of the Ethics Standards that seasoned the sound Cebu broadcast industry for decades regarding children Broadcast Code of 2007,” part of the statement reads.

KBP-Cebu also cited several sections of the said code which highlights the right to privacy of children, the prohibition of a surprise and unplanned (“ambush") interviews of children and that children have to be protected from further suffering emotional distress or trauma.

The KBP stressed that children are also to be interviewed only upon the consent of their parent or legal guardian, unless the parent or guardian is the accused and with the authority and supervision of qualified lawyers, psychologists, or social workers responsible for their welfare.

“Aside from that, children should not be required, coerced or bribed to recall and narrate traumatic experiences, demonstrate horrific acts, or describe them in graphic details,” as stated in section 4 of the code, as noted by KBP.

Brigada News FM Cebu is reportedly operating under the congressional franchise of Mareco Broadcasting Network and is a member of KBP.

“KBP Cebu is not convinced that by shattering our ethics as a resort to obtain broadcast supremacy. For this reason KBP will conduct an impartial investigation to get into the bottom of this issue. KBP believes that broadcasters share that enormous part in protecting our children and tomorrow. As broadcasters we aim to raise awareness, educate and inspire actions on various issues that affect Cebuano lives,” said Montesclaros on behalf of the KBP-Cebu.

The Cebu Federation of Beat Journalists (CFBJ) led by its federation president Arnold Bustamente also issued a separate statement also to condemn the interview, albeit no mention of names of the broadcasters.

“As media professionals, we are supposed to adhere to a code of ethics that governs the way we gather and report news. It is our responsibility to ensure that our work does not harm or further traumatize victims of crimes. As human beings, we must also show compassion and empathy towards those who have experienced trauma. In this case, no empathy was shown towards the young girl who was already going through a difficult time. The aggressive and insensitive line of questioning only added to her distress and may have hindered her healing process,” CFBJ’s statement said.

CFBJ also stressed that it is unacceptable for journalists to prioritize sensationalism over basic human decency.

“We must remember that behind every story, there are real people with real emotions and vulnerabilities,” the group reminded.

Along with this, the CFBJ encourages media outlets to provide training on ethical reporting practices, particularly when it comes to sensitive topics, such as sexual assault and calls on them to hold their employees accountable for their actions and words.

Patino, in response to both KBP-Cebu and CFBJ, said in a Facebook post they will air their side of the story in their program today, asking for everyone’s understanding for their silence regarding the issue.

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