After a two-year hiatus: 300T devotees ‘walk’ with Jesus

The resumption of the penitential Walk with Jesus yesterday dawn draws a crowd of at least 300,000 Catholic devotees. The event signals the start of the Fiesta Señor season.
Aldo Banaynal

CEBU, Philippines —  Everytime Trifon Jalapit joined the penitential Walk with Jesus and the solemn procession of the Sto. Niño, he would always be greeted by the smile of his sick wife upon his return home.

It was different yesterday because his wife's usual smile and chitchat were absent.

For Jalapit, the return of the traditional fiesta activities such as the Walk with Jesus is bittersweet: sweet as they are finally back after a two-year hiatus, and bitter because his wife is no longer alive.

Another devotee, Maria Lourdes Abapo from Pardo, Cebu City, also shared that her prayers were not only for herself.

"Maayo unta mahuman na ang pandemic ug ilikay kita sa tanang katalagman," she told The FREEMAN.

For her part, Marissa Bernaldo, 50, from Barangay Sawang Calero in Cebu City, said she prayed that she and her family would be given good health and spared from accidents.

Bernaldo, who has been a devotee of the Sto. Niño, for almost half of her life since 17, attended the Penitential Walk with Jesus on Thursday dawn, January 5.

She shared how the saint's "little miracles" helped her survive her daily struggles in life.

"Sa amung pag-ari diri gasakay mig taxi nga naanay gasakay gitigaan pamig P200 plete. Nag-usa pamis sakyanan, lalaki pa amung kauban. Ingun sya inyu ning 200 uh pamlete muadto man kaha mos Penitential (Penitential Walk with Jesus). So, maayu gyud ang Niño (Sto. Niño)," said Bernaldo.

[When we came here, we took an already occupied taxi and were given a P200 fare by a man. We were in the care together. He said here is P200 for your fare as you go to the Penitential (Penitential Walk with Jesus). So, Niño (Sto. Niño) is really good.]

Susana Embajadora, 51, from Tisa, said she hoped Sto. Niño would help them revive their sari-sari that had been heavily stricken by the pandemic.

Embajadora attended Walk with Jesus as well and was a Sto. Niño devotee since she was young.

Obstacles as blessings

Fr. Nelson Zerda, the Rector of the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu, who presided over the Solemn Mass for the Opening Salvo right after the procession, reminded people to face obstacles as an opportunity to renew one's self.

In his homily, Zerda reminded people, particularly those in service, not to let their pride hamper their assistance.

"Usahay bisan dira sa atung pagpangalagad usahay taas ang atung garbo. Sakto si San Augustine sayang mga pulong nga nag-ingun even pride lurks in service...Mao nga usahay ang Dyos mugamit ug pamaage nga masakitan ta. Iya tang bansayun, iya tang hinluan, e-purify atung mga kasing-kasing," said Zerda.

"Sa atung panaw sa kinabuhi daghang mga kalisud, daghang mga pagsulay, daghang mga obstacles, circumstances nga dili kalikayan apan kung mag pabilin tang matuohun, masinubtanun sa kabubut-on sa Ginoo. Ang Ginoo dili mubiya nato, iya tang ubanan," he added.

[Sometimes, when we serve, our pride increases. Saint Augustine was right in his saying that even pride lurks in service. ..That is why sometimes God finds ways to hurt us. He would train us, cleanse us, and purify our hearts.

In our journey of life, there are many difficulties, many trials, many obstacles, and circumstances that cannot be avoided but if we remain faithful, and obedient to the will of the Lord. The Lord will not leave us, he will be with us.]

Jalapit, Abapo, Bernaldo and Embajadora were only among the about 300,000 devotees who "walked with Jesus" early morning yesterday from the Fuente Osmeña to the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño, a stretch of about 2.1 kilometers.

Police assessed Penitential Walk with Jesus and Solemn Mass for the Opening Salvo of the 458th Fiesta Señior as peaceful and orderly despite the crowd who joined doubled from the previous celebration.

Police Colonel Ireneo Dalogdog, chief of the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO), said they recorded at least 300,000 participants for the Penitential Walk with Jesus on Thursday dawn, January 5.

He said the information was relayed to them by the Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO).

According to CDRRMO, the crowd was double that of the previous opening salvo celebration in 2020, which gathered around 150,000 participants.

Dalogdog said that the increase could be attributed to the good weather.

Despite the large crowd, he said they have not recorded any untoward incident, such as snatching, during the event.

Crowd diverted

Meanwhile, several devotees complained as not all of them were able to get inside the basilica but were diverted to at least three lanes surrounding it.

Harold Alcontin, CCDRRMO head, explained that it was part of their measure to ensure the church would not suffer from overcrowding which may lead to accidents such as stampedes.

"Ang uban nagbagulbol pero amo ra sad silang gipasabot nga para sa safety ni nga di ta mag pundok tanan," said Alcontin.

[Some people grumbled, but then, they were explained that it was for their safety.]

He added that there were at least two incidents of minors rushed to medical booths due to dizziness, but no major injuries were recorded.

5,000 in Church

Fr. John Ion Miranda, the Media Laiason Project Manager of the Basilica del Sto. Niño, said at least 5,000 people gathered at the Pilgrim Center inside the basilica.

Miranda thanked the participants who joined the event.

He said they were glad that the events turned orderly and peaceful.

PRO-7 director Police Brigadier General Jerry Fornaleza Bearis also took note of the positive synergy that the different government agencies and the private sector have shown.

“Very nice… All government agencies and private sector are synergy with the PNP. From walk-throughs to simulation and today (Walk with Jesus). We’re hopeful this will be a very successful one,” said Bearis.

Bearis said there are some minor improvements that need to be done to make the rest of the activities go smoother, including table top exercises, briefing and de-briefing before and after each event and activity in line with the Sinulog.

Fr. John Ion Miranda, spokesperson of the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño, also described the opening salvo as smooth-sailing and solemn.

“Kaanindot natong buntaga no. Hapsay kaayo ang prosesyon ug ato gayung natapos ang opening salvo ug ang unang misa alang sa 458th Fiesta Señor… So far, han-ay kaayo ang atong pagsaulog sa procession kauban nato ang atong mga kapulisan, ug ang other agencies. Dako pud atong pasalamat nila,” Miranda said.

The Agustinian friars are also thankful to all the devotees for cooperating well.

“Pasalamat usab sa tanang debote nga nituman gayud sa pagprosesyon, solemn kaayo… Ug atong namatikdan, niapil gyud sa pag-ampo,” said Miranda.

Miranda added that based on their own initial assessment, they felt that the number of attendees at the opening mass doubled, if not tripled, that of the previous edition. Same is true with the regular masses.

“Dugay kaayo ta nahuman sa communion, kana atong basihan. In a regular day, naa ta sa 10 thousand na crowd, so kini, more pa,” Miranda said.

“We are so thankful no nga wala gyud ta giulan, although expect tag muulan, nag-andam na tag raincoat pero God is so good, Sto.Nino guided us, nindot kaayo atong panahon,” he added.

Mayor Michael Rama was also overwhelmed by the sheer size of the crowd. He joined the walk with his wife, as well as the opening salvo mass.

Rama, a devotee of Sto. Nino himself, carries with him a miniature image of the Holy Child wherever he goes.

“This is a thanksgiving… We’re back…Nobody can stop. Everybody should be apart. We cannot afford to fail. With Sto. Nino taking over, everything is possible,” said Mayor Rama. – Robhe Jane C. Yara and Decemay P. Padilla, Rowena C. Capistrano, JMD (FREEMAN)

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