Cebu City villages to get P1 million in aid

CEBU, Philippines — All 80 barangays in Cebu City will each receive P1 million in financial assistance, said Mayor Edgardo Labella.

It is set to be released today. The aid is the second tranche of assistance given by the city government to the barangays.

“It is to be released tomorrow (July 8) and it is going to be given to the barangay captains, one million each across the board of all the barangays,” said Labella.

The assistance is intended for the purchase of rice and food packs for the residents.

Based on the city government’s guidelines, 80 percent of the financial aid must be allocated for food, while 20 percent must be set aside for personal protective equipment and other supplies.

The budget is sourced from this year’s annual budget under the aid to the barangays.

The first aid amounting to P250 million was distributed last March to the village captains. Ths first 10 barangays with the highest population received P3 million, while others received P1 to P2 million depending on the population of the area.

On June 17, the Cebu City Council approved the city’s third supplemental budget (SB-3) amounting to P1.9 billion, which includes the aid for households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and hazard pay for essential barangay workers.

Of the amount, P500 million was appropriated for food supplies for COVID-19 affected households. KQD (FREEMAN)

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