NGCP announces power interruptions in Mactan

CEBU, Philippines - Residents of Mactan Island will have to endure several hours without electricity for two days next month.

National Grid Corporation of the Philippines-Visayas spokesperson Betty Martinez said yesterday that Lapu-Lapu City and Cordova town will not have any electricity from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 9 and 15 to give way for the installation of their third 100 megavolt amperes (MVA) transformer in Lapu-Lapu City.

At present, the NGCP has two transformers (100 MVA each) at its Lapu-Lapu Gas Insulated Substation.

"Needed na gyud ang third transformer with 100 MVA capacity to meet the growing power demand in the island," Martinez said.

She said that they have coordinated with the Lapu-Lapu City government officials last week to inform them about the scheduled interruption and that they are finding ways to lessen the impact of the installation activity.

These mitigating activities, however, are yet to be confirmed and finalized.

Martinez said that during the installation activity, they can transmit less power to the Mactan Electric Company, which is the electricity distributor in the island.

"We will request the big customers to help us in the interim.  If they can use their generators para yun normal allocation nila makahatag sa uban sections," she said.

Martinez added that the upgrading work is done for the expansion and improvement of their capacity for Mactan Island and for the future plans for the transmission system in Cebu. —/GAN (FREEMAN)

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