Solid waste facility in Compostela soon

CEBU, Philippines - The Municipality of Compostela and Comintel Green Technologies have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement yesterday for the latter to build a Municipal Solid Waste Gasification Thermal Treatment Plant that will convert waste into energy.

Compostela Mayor Joel Quino said the plant is expected to solve the solid waste problem in the town, as well as its neighboring towns and cities.

CGT is also corroborating with EcoGreen Envitechnology.

Lim Keng Hock, managing director of Comintel Corporation Berhad, said the three-hectare facility can accommodate 300 tons of garbage daily and can generate five megawatts of power.

Hock said it will take at least three years to build the facility. Once operational, at least 150 people will have jobs.

"The challenge is to achieve a clean and green environment we need to leave behind for our future generation," Hock said in his speech.

Hock said the CGT design encompasses solving the issue of stench control, leachate control, global warming (produced by methane production), elimination of dioxin and furon and reduction or elimination of a landfill, by using a thermal decomposition process called gasification solution to produce synthesis gas or producer gas to generate electric power to feed into the grid.

The gasification solution is a proven, proprietary technology that converts biomass and solid waste into a high quality synthetic gas as well as produce electric and thermal power.

Gasification converts MSW to a usable synthesis gas or syngas. The MSW is a feedstock for a thermal chemical conversion process. The feedstock reacts with little or no oxygen, breaking down the feedstock into simple molecules and converting them into syngas.

The syngas produced by gasification can be turned into electricity or heat or higher valuable commercial products such as transportation fuels, chemicals and fertilizers.

Comintel is a synergistic group of IT, Telecommunication, Manufacturing and R and D companies focusing in providing niche solution.

Incorporated in 1984, Comintel is a public-listed company with established strong proven record as a system integrator for various industries and applications. (FREEMAN)

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