Legate fills vacuum of Pope’s absence

CEBU, Philippines - Even without Pope Francis’ presence, those joining the 51st International Eucharistic Congress that Cebu is hosting would still feel his presence through the Papal Legate.

The 66-year old Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon in Myanmar, arrived at the Mactan Cebu International Airport around 9 a.m. yesterday. He then proceeded to the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral for a liturgical reception, where he was welcomed by the country’s cardinals and bishops, students, and laities.

Bo became the first cardinal from the Southeast Asian country in 2015. A member of the Salesians of Saint John Bosco, he was assigned as parish priest at Loihkam from 1976 to 1981, and in Lashio from 1981 to 1983.

After serving as parish priest, he was posted at Anisakan as formator. He also served as apostolic administrator in Lashio from 1985 to 1986 and as apostolic prefect from 1986 to 1990.

On March 13, 1996, Pope John Paul II appointed him as bishop of Pathein. On May 24, 2003, he was nominated Archbishop of Yangon and was installed on June 7, 2003. He served as president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar from 2000 to 2006. He was proclaimed as cardinal by Pope Francis on February 14, 2015.

Bishop Mylo Hubert Claudio Vergara, chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Social Communications and Mass Media  of  the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, said Pope Francis is well-represented in the 51st IEC by Bo.

“We will be experiencing the presence of Pope Francis with Cardinal Bo throughout this whole congress,” Vergara said, describing Bo as a “very down-to-earth person.”

He also described Bo as “a well-thought-of speaker” who presided over several Eucharistic celebrations for bishops and priests during Asian meetings.  (FREEMAN)



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