Group calls on government to act vs piccolo

CEBU, Philippines - An environment and health watchdog group appealed for collaborative action to protect young children from banned piccolo firecracker, the leading cause of firecracker-related injuries in the country.

Aileen Lucero, coordinator of EcoWaste Coalition in a statement said that despite being banned since 2007, piccolo is children’s enemy number one during this festive season of merry-making. 

She said that piccolo has inflicted gruesome bodily harm to hundreds of children for the past many years. 

To stop piccolo from victimizing more children, the Coalition urged all mayors , police chiefs and barangay officials to conduct frequent law enforcement operations and prosecute violators to the full extent of Republic Act 7183 (“An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution and Use of Firecrackers and Other Pyrotechnics”).

The group also appealed to vendors to stop selling piccolo and other firecrackers to minors. 

 “Have a conscience please. Don’t rake in profits at the expense of children’s health and safety.  The next victim could be your own child,” said Lucero.

Department of Health Secretary Janette Garin had earlier called on local government and police authorities to implement the ban on piccolo.

Lucero said that data from the DOH showed that 32 percent of the 840 firecracker-related injuries in 2014, 36 percent of the 997 firecracker-related injuries in 2013 and 26 percent of the 931 firecracker-related injuries in 2012 were due to piccolo.

Today, December 14, EcoWaste Coalition will join the DOH-led kick-off program for the Iwas Paputok campaign in the National Capital Region.

To prevent physical injuries, fires, wastes and toxins during the festive season, the group will advocate the so-called “Santa’s Guide to Safe and Non-Toxic New Year’s Festivity.”   (FREEMAN)


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