CPDRC: No more canned goods from visitors

CEBU, Philippines - Visitors of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) inmates are no longer allowed to bring canned goods inside the facility.

Marco Toral, Capitol’s consultant on jail matters, explained that the prohibition, which was implemented three weeks ago, is part of their security measures to prevent illegal drugs from sneaking into the penitentiary.

He said canned goods, especially those with easy-open and pull-out ends, can be used to conceal illegal drugs such as shabu.

“Dali ra man gud ni siya pod ma-seal og balik mao nga puwede gyud masudlan og mga drugas,” he said over the phone.

He, however, said canned goods can still be bought from the jail facility’s canteen, which is managed by the inmates themselves.

The FREEMAN was referred by Toral to jail warden Romeo Manansala for more details of the ban, as well as the operation of the canteen and prices of the products sold there, but the latter could not be reached for comment as of press time.

On the other hand, no incident of drug peddling using canned goods have been reported so far, Toral said.

In January this year, 500 grams of dried marijuana leaves were confiscated from a vegetable delivery man.

Last year, three visitors were arrested after trying to sneak nubain inside the facility. Ampules of the regulated drug were concealed in a bucket of ice cubes while some were hidden inside the underwear of one of the visitors.

In the same year, shabu packs concealed inside packs of torta were also seized from a detainee who came from a hearing in Argao.

CPDRC is famous for its dancing inmates whose videos became viral on YouTube and social media sites. The facility currently houses more than 2,500 inmates, or 900 more than its capacity. — Michael Vencynth H. Braga/ATO (FREEMAN)


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