On death of rookie policeman: Summary hearings for RPSB-7 cops

CEBU, Philippines - More than 30 policemen will undergo summary hearing proceedings after an administrative investigation showed that there was “negligence” during the training at Camp Ceperino Genovia, Sibonga town where a newly-hired police officer died of electrocution last June.

The policemen are from the Regional Public Safety Battalion-7.

RPSB-7 facilitated the training of newly-hired policemen, including Police Officer 1 Christopher Ruiz Jr., who died after he touched a live wire inside the police camp.

Chief Superintendent Prudencio Tom Bañas, director of the Police Regional Office-7, said based on their investigation, there was “negligence” on the part of the police trainers during the conduct of training.

Bañas said whatever the findings of the summary hearing, proceedings will be submitted to them and a proper administrative case will be filed against those responsible.

He said they will also speak with the commander of RPSB-7 to determine if they need to relieve the policemen involved in the investigation.

“We will discuss if there is really a need to relieve them. But if the recommendation is to relieve, so as not to preempt the ongoing investigation, then we will do it,” said Bañas.

On the other hand, Senior Superintendent Clifford Gairanod, RPSB-7 battalion commander, said as of yesterday, he has not received a letter from the Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division-7 on the result of the investigation.

He said it was a mere accident but if the investigating body found probable cause, they are willing to face it.

“Aksidente man gyud to kay kinsa ma’y ganahan nga mopatay og tawo pero if naa’y probable cause, tubagon namo sa proper venue,” said Gairanod.

Meanwhile, Christopher Ruiz Sr., father of the victim, said he just received the letter yesterday. He said he still needs to go over the letter so he can decide what to do next.

Ruiz said he will ask help from his co-lawyers since there is a tendency that his emotion would overcome his decision.

“But for sure, kung unsa man gani, mo-file gyud ta og kaso. Di man gyud mahimo sad nga tablahon lang nato atong anak,” he said.  (FREEMAN)



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