Cop tests positive for drug use

CEBU, Philippines - A rookie policeman caught in a sting operation by Dumanjug police in August is facing another administrative charge after he was tested positive of illegal drug use.

The Provincial Investigation and Detection Management Branch recommended an administrative investigation for grave misconduct against Police Officer 1 Ronald Sacan.

The case is on top of the criminal and administrative charges previously filed against him after his arrest in Dumanjug during a buy-bust operation.

 Superintendent Brindo Nacario, PIDMB chief, said he recommended the additional case against Sacan after his drug test result showed he was positive of illegal drug use.

Members of the Dumanjug Police Station, where Sacan was also assigned, found him inside a drug den sniffing shabu. The policemen were conducting a buy-bust operation on August 4, 2015 against suspected drug pusher David Quirante.

Aside from Sacan and Quirante, three other people were arrested during the operation. They were Ranilo Asentista, Shery Kay Dupal-ag, and Andrew Nemil.

Nacario said that Sacan, if found guilty of the administrative charges, could be meted with a penalty of 30 to 120 days suspension, demotion, or even dismissal from service.

Pending the final resolution of the cases, however, Sacan can still receive his benefits and other emoluments.  (FREEMAN)



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